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    • 浅谈中国农业发展合作的实践与经验(英文版)/农业对外合作与乡村振兴系列丛书
      • 作者:编者:农业农村部对外经济合作中心|责编:郑君
      • 出版社:中国农业
      • ISBN:9787109308084
      • 出版日期:2023/05/01
      • 页数:121
    • 售价:47.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Research Background and Significance
        1.1.1  Research Background
        1.1.2  Research Significance
      1.2  Research Objectives and Methods
        1.2.1  Research Objectives
        1.2.2  Research Methods
    Chapter 2  Evolution and Direction of China's International Agricultural Cooperation
      2.1  Evolution of the Concept of Cooperation and Macro Strategy
      2.2  Better Clarifying Specific Policies and Guiding Principles
      2.3  International Development Cooperation and Direction in the Agricultural Sector
        2.3.1  Overview of China's Development Cooperation in the Agricultural Sector
        2.3.2  The Primary Direction of China's Development Cooperation in the Agricultural Sector
      2.4  Distribution of China's Agricultural Development Cooperation
        2.4.1  Strengthening Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation
        2.4.2  Strengthening Developing Countries'Agricultural Support
      2.5  China's International Agricultural Cooperation Channels
        2.5.1  Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and Other Multilateral Cooperation Mechanisms
        2.5.2  Relevant Cooperation Mechanisms for the Belt and Road Initiative
        2.5.3  International Organizations Such as the FAO and Their Related Mechanisms
      2.6  China's Intermational Agricultural Cooperation Organizationa Mechanisms
        2.6.1  Evolution of Western Development Aid Institutions
        2.6.2  Basic State of Chinese Development Cooperation Institutions
        2.6.3  Institutional Arrangement for China's International Agricultural Cooperation
        2.6.4  Arrangement and Management of Overseas Personnel at International Development Institutions
    Chapter 3  Multilateral Agricultural Cooperation Represented by South-South Cooperation
      3.1  The Global South-South Cooperation Situation
        3.1.1  Definition of South-South Cooperation
        3.1.2  SSC's History
        3.1.3  SSC Goals and Features
      3.2  Historical Overview of China's South-South Cooperation
        3.2.1  Focus on Agricultural Cooperation during the Early Phase
        3.2.2  Major Adjustments to South-South Cooperation during the 1980s and 1990s...64
        3.2.3  China Gradually Rising to a Leading Position in South-South Cooperation in the New Millennium
      3.3  Principles and Primary Methods for Agricultural SSC Management Mechanisms
        3.3.1  Management Mechanisms and Primary Principles for Agricultural SSC Projects
        3.3.2  China's Primary Methods and Experiences Conducting SSC
      3.4  Agricultural SSC Model: China and the FAO Cooperation Project .......76
        3.4.1  Historical Review of China's Cooperation with the FAO
        3.4.2  China-FAO Cooperation Project Types
        3.4.3  China-FAO Cooperation Case Studies
    Chapter 4  China's Experience Conducting International Agricultural Cooperation
      4.1  China's Universal Experiences in
        4.2.1  Giving Full Play to the Roles of the FAO and the Host Nation
        4.2.2  Dispatch High-level Agricultural Technicians and Specialists
        4.2.3  Selecting Agricultural Technology Suitable for the Actual Situation in the Host Country
        4.2.4  Fixing Appropriate Project Cycles to Improve Effectiveness
        4.2.5  Specialized Training to Improve Foreign Aid Specialists' Comprehensive Abilities
    Chapter 5  Conclusion
      5.1  Continually Strengthening International Cooperation in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
      5.2  Giving Play to the Positive Role of Agricultural Trade and Sci-tech Cooperation
      5.3  Continuing to Enhance China's Role in Agricultural SSC Cooperation


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