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    • 中国旅游文化(双语版普通高等学校十四五规划旅游管理类精品教材)(汉英)
      • 作者:编者:石芳芳|责编:王乾|总主编:史达
      • 出版社:华中科技大学
      • ISBN:9787568089418
      • 出版日期:2023/05/01
      • 页数:238
    • 售价:23.92
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Tourism and culture
        1.1.1  Definitions of tourism and culture
        1.1.2  The relationships between culture and tourism
      1.2  Cultural tourism
        1.2.1  Definitions of cultural tourism
        1.2.2  Types of cultural tourism
        1.2.3  Types of cultural tourists
        1.2.4  The impacts of cultural tourism
      1.3  Cultural tourism in China
    Chapter 2  The History of Chinese Tourism
      2.1  An Overview of the History of Travel and Tourism
        2.1.1  Travel for Business Purposes
        2.1.2  Travel for Education
        2.1.3  Travel for Leisure
        2.1.4  Travel to Visit Families and Friends
      2.2  Travel in Different Historical Periods in China
        2.2.1  Travel Before the Qin Dynasty
        2.2.2  The Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty
        2.2.3  The Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties
        2.2.4  The Sui and Tang Dynasties
        2.2.5  The Song and Yuan Dynasties
        2.2.6  The Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty
        2.2.7  Between 1840 and 1949
        2.2.8  Between 1949 and 1978
        2.2.9  After 1978
      2.3  The Driving Force of Tourism Development
        2.3.1  Development of Tourism Transportation Facilities
        2.3.2  Refinement of the Tourism Market
      2.4  Tourism Along the Silk Road
        2.4.1  The Origin of the Silk Road
        2.4.2  Travellers on the Continental Silk Road
    Chapter 3  Cultural Heritage
      3.1  Introduction to cultural heritage
        3.1.1  Definitions and characteristics of cultural heritage
        3.1.2  Categories of cultural heritage
      3.2  Cultural heritage as a tourism resource
        3.2.1  Value of cultural heritage as a tourism resource
        3.2.2  Current cultural heritage tourism resources in China
      3.3  Tourism development of tangible cultural heritage
        3.3.1  Relationship between protection and tourism development
        3.3.2  Problems in tourism development of tangible cultural heritage
        3.3.3  Paths for the tourism development of tangible cultural heritage
      3.4  Tourism development of intangible cultural heritage
        3.4.1  Relationship between preservation and tourism development
        3.4.2  Problems in the development of intangible cultural heritage tourism
        3.4.3  Paths for tourism development of intangible cultural heritage
    Chapter 4  Architecture
      4.1  General History of the Development of Ancient Chinese Architecture
        4.1.1  The founding stage

        4.1.2  The forming stage
        4.1.3  The maturity stage
        4.1.4  Further development stage
        4.1.5  Improvement and perfection stage
      4.2  The cultural connotations of ancient Chinese architecture
        4.2.1  Harmony between man and nature
        4.2.2  Strict system of hierarchy
      4.3  Historical architecture attractions in China
        4.3.1  Imperial Palaces
        4.3.2  Imperial Mausoleum
        4.3.3  Sacrificial altar and memorial temple
        4.3.4  Other types of traditional architectures
    Chapter 5  Literature
      5.1  General History of The Developmentof Ancient ChineseLiterature
      5.2  Tourism and Tourism Literature
      5.3  Famous Scenic Spots and Relevant Literary Works
        5.3.1  Poetry
        5.3.2  Lyric
        5.3.3  Prose
        5.3.4  Antithetical couplets
    Chapter 6  Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
      6.1  Chinese Calligraphy
        6.1.1  Calligraphy scripts
        6.1.2  Historical development of Chinese calligraphy
        6.1.3  Calligraphy and tourist attractions
      6.2  Traditional Chinese Painting
        6.2.1  Features of traditional Chinese painting
        6.2.2  Techniques of traditional Chinese painting
        6.2.3  Types of Chinese painting
        6.2.4  Historical development of Chinese painting
        6.2.5  Chinese paintings as tourist attractions
    Chapter 7  Festivals and Events
      7.1  Introduction to Chinese festivals and events
        7.1.1  Origin of traditional Chinese festivals and events
        7.1.2  Evolution of Chinese festivals and events
      7.2  Festivals and events as tourism resources
        7.2.1  Concepts of tourism festivals and events
        7.2.2  Characteristics of tourism festivals and events
        7.2.3  Types of tourism festivals and events
      7.3  Development of tourism festivals and events
        7.3.1  Current status of tourism development of festivals and eventsin China
        7.3.2  Paths for tourism development of festivals and events
    Chapter 8  Chinese Crafts
      8.1  Overview of Chinese Crafts
        8.1.1  The Origins and Development of Chinese Crafts
        8.1.2  Features and Categories of Chinese Crafts
        8.1.3  Chinese Crafts and Tourism
      8.2  Chinese Paper Cutting
        8.2.1  The Origin and Development of Chinese Paper Cutting
        8.2.2  Categories and Themes of Chinese Paper Cutting

        8.2.3  Chinese Paper Cutting in Different Places
      8.3  Chinese Ceramics
        8.3.1  The Origin and Development of Chinese Ceramics
        8.3.2  Well-known "Capitals of Porcelain" in China
      8.4  Chinese Carving
        8.4.1  The Origins and Development of Chinese Carving
        8.4.2  Features and Categories of Chinese Carving
    Chapter 9  Chinese Food Culture
      9.1  Overview of Chinese Cuisines
        9.1.1  The Emergence and Development of Chinese Food Culture
        9.1.2  Philosophy of Chinese Food Culture
        9.1.3  Food Culture and Tourism
      9.2  Chinese Cuisine
        9.2.1  Eight Regional Cuisines
        9.2.2  Local Specialties
      9.3  Tea Culture
        9.3.1  History and Development
        9.3.2  Categories of Tea
        9.3.3  Chinese Tea Culture
        9.3.4  Tea Culture and Tourism
    Chapter 10  Martial Arts
      10.1  The origins and development of Chinese martial arts
        10.1.1  Origin
        10.1.2  The formative stage
        10.1.3  The mature stage
        10.1.4  The modem stage
      10.2  Influential Chinese martial arts styles
        10.2.1  Taijiquan
        10.2.2  Shaolin Kung Fu
      10.3  The philosophy of Chinese martial arts
        10.3.1  Harmony
        10.3.2  Yin-yang
      10.4  Martial art-related tourist attractions
        10.4.1  Shaolin Temple
        10.4.2  Wudang Mountains
    Chapter 11  Traditional Chinese Medicine
      11.1  Theories of traditional Chinese medicine
        11.1.1  Theory of yin-yang
        11.1.2  Theory of five elements
      11.2  Diagnosis and treatment
        11.2.1  Four examinations
        11.2.2  Acupuncture
        11.2.3  TCM massage - manipulation treatment
      11.3  The promotion and maintenance of good health
        11.3.1  The role of diet in nurturing good health
        11.3.2  Solar Terms and health promotion
      11.4  TCM health tourism
        11.4.1  Trends in TCM health tourism
        11.4.2  TCM tourism attractions


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