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    • 航空公司运行安全管理(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:罗凤娥//张海荣//黄一入|责编:何明飞
      • 出版社:西南交大
      • ISBN:9787564396183
      • 出版日期:2023/11/01
      • 页数:249
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction to Airline Safety Management
      1.1  Airline safety management
      1.2  Civil aviation safety management system
      1.3  Factors influencing airline SMS implementation
      1.4  Relevant regulations and theoretical basis of airline safety management
      1.5  Review of relevant research and application
    Chapter 2  Analysis of the Current Situation of Airline safety Management
      2.1  Status Quo and Existing Problems of Safety Management of Chinese Airlines
      2.2  System Construction
    Chapter 3  Human Factors andAirline Safety Management
      3.1  Unsafe factors caused by crew members
      3.2  Operations and control personnel factors
      3.3  Workload analysis of dispatchers
    Chapter 4  Flight quality monitoring and Airline safety management
      4.1  Flight Quality Control
      4.2  Aircraft fault diagnosis methods
      4.3  Safety Management of Airline Operations from the Perspective of Control Theory
    Chapter 5  Management factors and airline operational safety management
      5.1  Management factors of airline operations
      5.2  Causes of airline operation and management failures
    Chapter 6  Airline Operational Safety Culture
      6.1  Overview of airline operational safety culture research
      6.2  Airline operation safety culture atmosphere creation
    Chapter 7  Airline Safety Warning Management
      7.1  Basic functions of airline safety warning management
      7.2  Method of Airline Safety Warning Management
      7.3  Airline Crisis Warning Management
      7.4  Airline operation safety warning management in systems theory perspective
    Chapter 8  Airline Emergency Response and Crisis Management
      8.1  Emergency response to airline crises
      8.2  Evaluation of Airline Emergency Management Early Warning Mechanism
      8.3  Airline Crisis Management
    Chapter 9  Airline Operations Monitoring
      9.1  Overview of Airline Operation Monitoring
      9.2  Models and algorithms related to airline operation monitoring


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