本书选用了数十个科技创新活动活跃的国家作为研究对象,采用国际上通用的标杆分析法测算国家创新指数,所用数据均来自于各国政府或国际组织的数据库和出版物,具有国际可比性和权威性。报告测算了数十个国家的创新指数,并与上一年情况进行了比较。 -
1 Overview of Global Innovation Landscape
1.1 The innovation capacity rankings of the three country-groupsare on the whole stable
1.2 Asia, America and Europe remain the three pillars onthe global innovation landscape
1.3 Innovation development is closely related to economic strength and national will
1.4 The eastward shift of the global STI center is increasingly evident
1.5 China continues to move up its position on the world innovation landscape
2 Innovation Resources
2.1 Developed countries hold considerable advantages in resource aggregation
2.2 R&D expenditure is highly concentrated in major innovative countries
2.3 Developing countries need to accelerate the cultivation of R&D personnel
2.4 China's input of innovation resources continues to rise
3 Knowledge Creation
3.1 Major innovative countries have the best performance in knowledge output
3.2 European countries perform notably well on the influence of S&T papers
3.3 China, Japan, the United States and the Republic of Korea are highly active in technological inventions
3.4 China continues to lead in knowledge creation
4 Enterprise Innovation
4.1 Enterprise innovation capability varies notably among countries
4.2 Israel and the Republic of Korea have obvious advantages in the intensity of enterprises R&D investment
4.3 Developed countries attach high importance to acquiring intellectual property rights overseas
4.4 China has further enhanced its global competitiveness or enterprise innovation
5 Innovation Performance
5.1 Notable gap exists among countries on innovation performance
5.2 Green and low-carbon development requires global efforts
5.3 Development of knowledge and technology-intensive industries is uneven across countries
5.4 China still has notable room for improvement on innovation performance
6 Innovation Environment
6.1 Economically advanced European and America countries top the ranking table
6.2 Smaller innovative countries like Singapore have a more favorable market environment
6.3 Countries like the Netherlands have a strong entrepreneurial climate
6.4 China needs further improvement on innovation environment
7 Country Profiles
8 Appendixes
Appendix I Rankings
Appendix II NII Assessment theories and methodology
Appendix III Definition of indicators
Appendix IV Data sources
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