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    • 结构化动态系统的盲辨识--确定性方法及观点(英文版)(精)
      • 作者:Chengpu Yu//Lihua Xie//Michel Verhaegen//Jie Chen
      • 出版社:科学
      • ISBN:9787030781710
      • 出版日期:2024/01/01
      • 页数:266
    • 售价:67.2
  • 内容大纲

         This book is intended for researchers active in the field of (blind) system identification and aims to provide new identification ideas/insights for dealing with challenging system identification problems. It presents a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in the area, which would save a lot of time and avoid collecting the scattered information from research papers, reports and unpublished work. Besides, it is a self-contained book by including essential algebraic, system and optimization theories, which can help graduate students enter the amazing blind system identification world with less effort.
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1  Introduction
      1.1  Examples of the Blind System Identification
      1.2  Optimization Based Blind System Identification
      1.3  Blind Identification of Various System Models
      1.4  Organization of This Book
    Part I  Preliminaries
      2  Linear Algebra and Polynomial Matrices
        2.1  Vector Space and Basis
        2.2  Eigenvalue Decomposition
        2.3  Singular Value Decomposition
        2.4  Orthogonal Projection and Oblique Projection
        2.5  Sum and Intersection of Subspaces
        2.6  Angles Between Subspaces
        2.7  Polynomial Matrices and Polynomial Bases
        2.8  Summary
      3  Representation of Linear System Models
        3.1  Transfer Functions
          3.1.1  Properties of Coprime Matrix Fraction
          3.1.2  Verification and Computation of Coprime Matrix Fraction
        3.2  State Space Models
        3.3  State Space Realization
        3.4  HankelMatrix Interpretation
        3.5  Structured State-Space Models
          3.5.1  Graph Theory
          3.5.2  Structured Algebraic System Theory
        3.6  Summary
      4  Identification of LTI Systems
        4.1  Least-Squares Identification
          4.1.1  Identifiability of a Rational Transfer Function Matrix
          4.1.2  Least-Squares Identification Method
        4.2  Subspace Identification
          4.2.1  Subspace Identification via Orthogonal Projection
          4.2.2  Subspace Identification via State Estimation
          4.2.3  Subspace Identification via State Compensation
          4.2.4  Subspace Identification via Markov Parameter Estimation
        4.3  Parameterized State-Space Identification
          4.3.1  Gradient-BasedMethod
          4.3.2  Difference-of-Convex Programming Method
        4.4  Summary
    Part II  Blind System Identification with a Single Unknown Input
      5  Blind Identification of SIMO FIR Systems
        5.1  Structured Subspace Factorization
          5.1.1  Blind Identification of FIR Filters
          5.1.2  Blind Identification of a Source Signal
        5.2  Cross RelationMethod
        5.3  Least-Squares Smoothing Method

          5.3.1  Blind FIR Filter Identification
          5.3.2  Blind Source Signal Estimation
        5.4  Blind Identification of Time-Varying FIR Systems
          5.4.1  Input Signal Estimation
          5.4.2  Time-Varying Filter Identification
        5.5  Blind Identification of Nonlinear SIMO Systems
          5.5.1  SIMO-Wiener System Identification
          5.5.2  Hammerstein-Wiener System Identification
        5.6  Summary
      6  Blind Identification of SISO IIR Systems via Oversampling
        6.1  Oversampling of FIR and IIR Systems
          6.1.1  Multirate Identities
          6.1.2  Multirate Transfer Functions
          6.1.3  Multirate State-Space Models
        6.2  Coprime Conditions for Lifted SIMO Systems
        6.3  Blind Identification of Non-minimum Phase Systems
        6.4  Blind Identification of Hammerstein Systems
          6.4.1  Blind Identifiability
          6.4.2  Blind Identification Approach
        6.5  Blind Identification of Output Switching Systems
        6.6  Summary
      7  Distributed Blind Identification of Networked FIR Systems
        7.1  Motivation for the Distributed Blind Identification
        7.2  Distributed Blind System Identification Using Noise-Free Data
          7.2.1  Distributed Blind Identification Algorithm
          7.2.2  Convergence Analysis
          7.2.3  Numerical Simulation
        7.3  Distributed Blind System Identification Using Noisy Data
          7.3.1  Distributed Blind Identification Algorithm
          7.3.2  Convergence Analysis
          7.3.3  Numerical Simulation
        7.4  Recursive Blind Source Equalization Using Noisy Data
          7.4.1  Direct Distributed Equalization
          7.4.2  Indirect Distributed Equalization
          7.4.3  Distributed Blind Equalization with Noise-Free Measurements
          7.4.4  Distributed Blind Equalization with Noisy Measurements
          7.4.5  Blind Equalization with a Time-Varying Topology
          7.4.6  Numerical Simulation
        7.5  Summary
    Part III  Blind System Identification with Multiple Unknown Inputs
      8  Blind Identification of MIMO Systems
        8.1  Blind Identification ofMIMO FIR Systems
          8.1.1  Identifiability Analysis
          8.1.2  Subspace Blind Identification Method
        8.2  Blind Identification of Multivariable State-Space Models
          8.2.3  Blind Identification of Numerator Polynomial Matrices
          8.2.4  Numerical Simulation
        8.3  Summary
      9  Blind Identification of Structured State-Space Models
        9.1  Strong Observability of Structured State-Space Models
          9.1.1  Maximum Unobservable Subspace
          9.1.2  State Estimation with Unknown Inputs
        9.2  Blind Identification of Multivariable State-Space Models
          9.2.1  Identifiability Analysis
          9.2.2  Subspace-Based Blind Identification Method
          9.2.3  Numerical Simulations
        9.3  Blind System Identification Excited by Different Unknown Inputs
          9.3.1  Identifiability Analysis
          9.3.2  Subspace Identification Method
        9.4  Summary
      10  Blind Local Identification of Large-Scale Networked Systems
        10.1  Local Network Identification
        10.2  Subspace Identification Approach
        10.3  Subspace Identification of Unknown Inputs
          10.3.1  Estimation of Completely Unmeasurable Inputs
        10.4  Numerical Simulations
        10.5  Summary
      11  Conclusions
        11.1  About the Identification Object
        11.2  About the Identifiability Analysis
        11.3  About the Identification Method
        11.4  Artificial Intelligence Driven Blind System Identification


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