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    • 航空公司运行程序(第2版飞行技术专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:罗凤娥//李黎莎//曾婧涵|责编:张文越
      • 出版社:西南交大
      • ISBN:9787564396916
      • 出版日期:2024/03/01
      • 页数:133
    • 售价:18.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Airline Operations
      1.1  History of Airlines
      1.2  History of Dispatch
      1.3  Airline Organization Structure
      1.4  Regulation and Airline Manuals
    Chapter 2 Crew Member Management
      2.1  Flight Crew Requirements
      2.2  Crew Members Duty Time Limitations
      2.3  Crew Member Qualifications
      2.4  Oxygen Requirements
      2.5  Alcoholic Restrictions
    Chapter 3 Flight Operation Procedure
      3.1  Preliminary Preparation
      3.2  Direct Flight Preparation
      3.3  Flight Implementation
      3.4  Post-flight De-briefing
    Chapter 4 Dispatch Release
      4.1  General Rules of Dispatch Release
      4.2  Dispatch Release Rules
      4.3  Records and Reports
      4.4  Selection of Alternates
      4.5  Fuel Policy
    Chapter 5 Operation Monitoring
      5.1  Operation Monitoring Elements
      5.2  Obtaining Monitoring Information
      5.3  Flight Crew Report
      5.4  The Duties of Operational Monitoring Personnel
      5.5  Flight Monitoring and Flight Following
      5.6  The Main Means of Communication for Flight Monitoring
      5.7  Monitoring Example
    Chapter 6 Special Operations
      6.1  Re-dispatch
      6.2  ETOPS
      6.3  RVSM Operation
      6.4  PBN Operation
      6.5  CAT II ILS Operations
      6.6  Extended Over-water Operation


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