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    • 数字逻辑(新工科建设之路计算机类专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:程鸿|责编:张鑫
      • 出版社:电子工业
      • ISBN:9787121481567
      • 出版日期:2024/03/01
      • 页数:167
    • 售价:16.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    第1章  数制与码制(Number System and Code System)
      1.1  数字信号与数字电路(Digital Signal and Digital Circuit)
      1.2  数制(Number System)
      1.3  数制转换(Number System Conversion)
      1.4  编码(Coding)
        1.4.1  二—十进制编码(Binary Coded Decimal,BCD)
        1.4.2  格雷码(Gray Code)
        1.4.3  美国信息交换标准代码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,ASCII)
        1.4.4  二进制原码(Original Code)、反码(Inverse Code)和补码(Complement Code)
    第2章  逻辑函数及其化简(Logic Function and Simplification)
      2.1  概述(Overview)
      2.2  逻辑运算(Logic Operation)
        2.2.1  基本逻辑运算(Basic Logical Operation)
        2.2.2  复合逻辑运算(Compound Logic Operation)
      2.3  逻辑函数(Logic Function)
        2.3.1  逻辑问题的描述(Description of Logic Problem)
        2.3.2  逻辑函数相等(Logic Function Equality)
        2.3.3  逻辑代数的常见公式(Common Formulas of Logic Algebra)
        2.3.4  逻辑代数的基本规则(Basic Rules of Logic Algebra)
      2.4  逻辑函数的标准形式(Standard Expression of Logic Function)
        2.4.1  标准与或式(Standard AND-OR Formula)
        2.4.2  标准或与式(Standard OR-AND Formula)
      2.5  逻辑函数的化简方法(Simplification Method of Logic Function)
        2.5.1  逻辑函数的公式化简法(Formula Simplification Method of Logic Function)
        2.5.2  卡诺图化简法(Karnaugh Map Simplification Method)
    第3章  组合逻辑电路(Combinational Logic Circuit)
      3.1  概述(Overview)
      3.2  小规模组合逻辑电路的分析和设计方法(Analysis and Design of Small Scale Combinational Logic Circuit)
        3.2.1  小规模组合逻辑电路的分析(Analysis of Small Scale Combinational Logic Circuit)
        3.2.2  小规模组合逻辑电路的设计(Design of Small Scale Combinational Logic Circuit)
      3.3  中规模组合逻辑电路的分析和设计方法(Analysis and Design of Medium Scale Combinational Logic Circuit)
        3.3.1  加法器(Adder)
        3.3.2  编码器(Encoder)
        3.3.3  译码器(Decoder)
        3.3.4  数据选择器(Data Selector)
        3.3.5  数值比较器(Numerical Comparator)
      3.4  组合逻辑电路的竞争冒险(Competitive Hazard in Combinational Logic Circuit)
        3.4.1  竞争冒险现象及分类(Phenomenon and Classification of Competitive Hazard)
        3.4.2  竞争冒险的判断(Competitive Hazard Judgment)
        3.4.3  竞争冒险的消除(Elimination of Competitive Hazard)
    第4章  触发器(Flip-Flop)
      4.1  概述(Overview)
      4.2  基本RS 触发器(Basic RS Flip-Flop)
        4.2.1  电路组成和工作原理(Circuit Composition and Working Principle)

        4.2.2  功能描述(Function Description)
        4.2.3  结构特点(Structural Features)
      4.3  同步触发器(Synchronous Flip-flop)
        4.3.1  同步RS 触发器(Synchronous RS Flip-flop)
        4.3.2  同步JK 触发器(Synchronous JK Flip-flop)
        4.3.3  同步D 触发器(Synchronous D Flip-Flop)
        4.3.4  同步T 触发器(Synchronous T Flip-Flop)
        4.3.5  结构特点(Structural Features)
      4.4  主从触发器(Master-Slave Flip-Flop)
        4.4.1  主从RS 触发器(Master-Slave RS Flip-Flop)
        4.4.2  主从JK 触发器(Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop)
        4.4.3  结构特点(Structural Features)
      4.5  边沿触发器(Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop)
        4.5.1  上升沿触发的D 触发器(D Flip-flop Triggered by Rising Edge)
        4.5.2  下降沿触发的JK 触发器(JK Flip-flop Triggered by Falling Edge)
        4.5.3  结构特点(Structural Features)
    第5章  时序逻辑电路(Sequential Logic Circuit)
      5.1  概述(Overview)
      5.2  小规模时序逻辑电路的分析和设计(Analysis and Design of Small Scale Sequential Logic Circuit)
        5.2.1  小规模时序逻辑电路的分析(Analysis of Small Scale Sequential Logic Circuit)
        5.2.2  小规模时序逻辑电路的设计(Design of Small Scale Sequential Logic Circuit)
      5.3  中规模时序逻辑电路的分析和设计(Analysis and Design of Medium Scale Sequential Logic Circuit)
        5.3.1  计数器(Counter)
        5.3.2  移位寄存器(Shift Register)
        5.3.3  序列信号发生器(Sequence Signal Generator)
    第6章  实验(Experiment)
      6.1  编码器和译码器及应用(Encoder and Decoder and their Applications)
        6.1.1  编码器及应用(Encoder and its Applications)
        6.1.2  译码器及应用(Decoder and its Applications)
      6.2  数据选择器及应用(Multiplexer and its Applications)
      6.3  触发器及应用(Flip-Flop and its Applications)
        6.3.1  触发器逻辑功能测试(Logic Function Tests for Flip-Flop)
        6.3.2  触发器的应用(Applications of Flip-Flop)
      6.4  同步计数器及应用(Integrated Synchronous Counter and its Applications)
        6.4.1  集成同步计数器(Integrated Synchronous Counter)
        6.4.2  同步计数器的级联设计(Cascading Design of Synchronous Counter)
    *第7章  模数和数模转换器(ADC and DAC)
      7.1  概述(Overview)
      7.2  A/D转换器(Analog Digital Converter)
        7.2.1  A/D转换器的工作原理(Working Principle of ADC)
        7.2.2  A/D转换器的主要类型和电路特点(Main Types and Circuit Characteristics of ADC)
        7.2.3  A/D转换器的主要技术指标(Main Technical Index of ADC)
      7.3  D/A转换器(Digital Analog Converter)
        7.3.1  D/A转换器的工作原理(Working Principle of DAC)
        7.3.2  D/A转换器的主要类型和电路特点(Main Types and Circuit Characteristics of DAC)
