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    • 会计审计专业英语(第5版会计学专业新企业会计准则系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:贺欣//温倩//罗殿英|责编:吴亚军
      • 出版社:机械工业
      • ISBN:9787111755180
      • 出版日期:2024/06/01
      • 页数:270
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part 1  Accounting Principles会计原理
      Chapter 1  Accounting and Its Environment会计与环境
        小案例Mini Case
        1.1  Nature and Content of Accounting
        1.2  Objectives of Financial Reporting
        1.3  Underlying Assumptions
        1.4  Accounting Basis
        1.5  The Influences of Modern Technologies on Accounting Professional
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 2  Accounting Concepts and Principles会计概念与原则
        小案例Mini Case
        2.1  Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Accounting Information
        2.2  Elements of the Financial Statements
        2.3  Recognition and Measurement Principles
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 3  Financial Statements财务报表
        小案例Mini Case
        3.1  Statement of Financial Position
        3.2  Statement of Comprehensive Income
        3.3  Statement of Changes in Equity
        3.4  Statement of Cash Flows
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 4  Accounting Cycle会计循环
        小案例Mini Case
        4.1  Accounting Equation and Double-Entry Bookkeeping
        4.2  The Accounting Cycle
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
    Part 2  Financial Accounting财务会计
      Chapter 5  Current Assets流动资产
        小案例Mini Case
        5.1  Cash and Current Receivables
        5.2  Inventory
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge

    Part 3  Cost and Management Accounting成本与管理会计
    Part 4  International Accounting国际会计
    Part 5  Audit审计


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