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    • 罗织造技艺传承与创新(双语版中国丝绸技艺民族文化传承与创新配套双语教材江苏省高等职业院校高水平专业群纺织品检验与贸易配套教材)
      • 作者:编者:赵兵//牛建涛|责编:孔会云|译者:陈莉霞
      • 出版社:中国纺织
      • ISBN:9787522910970
      • 出版日期:2024/06/01
      • 页数:76
    • 售价:35.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    第一章  罗的起源与文化  The Origin and Culture of Leno
      第一节  罗的简介  The BriefIntroduction to Leno
      第二节  商周时期的罗  Leno in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties
      第三节  春秋战国时期的罗  Leno in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period
      第四节  两汉时期的罗  Leno in the Han Dynasty
      第五节  隋唐时期的罗  Leno in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
      第六节  宋元时期的罗  Leno in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
      第七节  明清时期的罗  Leno in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    第二章  罗的织造技艺  The Weaving。Technology of Leno
      第一节  罗织造技艺的演变  The Evolution ofLeno Weaving Technology
        一、史前的绞经与绞编织造技艺  The Twist Knitting Weaving Technology of Strand Textiles in Prehistory
        二、商周时期的绞经织造技艺  The Weaving Technology of Strand Textiles in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties
        三、战国至秦汉时期的绞经织造技艺  TheWeavingTechnologyofStrandTextiles from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties
        四、隋唐时期的罗织造技艺  The Weaving Technology of Leno Fabrics in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
        五、元时期的罗织造技艺  The Weaving Technology ofLeno Fabrics in the Yuan Dynasty
        六、明清时期的罗织造技艺  The Weaving Technology ofLeno Fabrics in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
      第二节  罗生产织造的工序  The Manufacturing and Weaving Process of Leno
        一、原料准备  Raw Material Preparation
        二、织造准备  Weaving Preparation
        三、上机织造  Weaving Process
        四、后整理  Post-finishing
        五、现代丝绸罗的加工织造  Weaving Process of Modem Silk Leno
    第三章  罗组织的结构  The Structure of Leno
      第一节  罗组织的概念和形成过程  The Concept and Formation Process of Leno Weaves
        一、罗组织的基本概念  The Basic Concepts ofLeno Weaves
        二、罗组织的形成  The Formation of Leno Weaves
      第二节  罗组织的上机  The Looming Plans of Leno Weaves
        一、上机图的绘制  Graphic Design for the Looming Plans of Leno Weaves
        二、上机要点  The Key Point of Weaving
      第三节  罗组织的应用实例  The Application Examples of Leno Weaves
    第四章  罗的传承与保护  The Inheritance and Protection of Leno
      第一节  罗的传承现状  The Current Situation of Leno Inheritance
        一、杭罗传承现状  Current Situation ofHang Leno Inheritance
        二、吴罗(四经绞罗)传承现状  The Current Situation of Wu Leno(Four-warp) Twisted Leno Inheritance
      第二节  罗织造技艺传承人  The Inheritors ofLeno Weaving Technique
        一、杭罗织造技艺传承人  Inheritors ofHang Leno Weaving Technique
        二、吴罗织造技艺传承人  Inheritors ofWu Leno Weaving Technique
      第三节  罗传承与发展面临的困境  The Difficulties in Leno Inheritance and Development
        一、代表性传承人老龄化严重,缺乏接班人  Aging of Representative Inheritors and Lack of Successors
      第一节  苏州地域文化及其视觉化提炼  An Overview and Visual Refinement of Suzhou Regional Culture
      第二节  苏州地域文化在罗织物设计中的创新应用  The Innovative Applicationof Suzhou Regional Culture in Leno Fabric Design
      第三节  桃花坞年画元素在罗织物设计中的创新应用  The Innovative Applicationof Taohuawu New Year Pictures Elements in Leno Fabric Design
      第四节  昆曲元素在罗织物设计中的创新应用  The Innovative Application ofKunqu Opera Elements in Leno Fabric Design
    参考文献  References


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