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    • 天气学(英文版)/大气科学专业系列英文图书
      • 作者:编者:寿绍文
      • 出版社:气象
      • ISBN:9787502981921
      • 出版日期:2024/05/01
      • 页数:389
    • 售价:72
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Features of Meteorological Variable Fields and Their Kinematics
      1.1  Weather Maps
      1.2  Characterization of the Meteorological Scalar Field
      1.3  Characterization of the Meteorological Vector Fields
      1.4  Temporal Variability of the Meteorological Variables
      1.5  Kinematics of the Pressure Systems
    Chapter 2  Basic Equations of the Atmospheric Motions
      2.1  Atmospheric Motion Equation
      2.2  Equation of Atmospheric Continuity
      2.3  Thermodynamic Energy Equation of Atmosphere
      2.4  Large Scale Atmospheric Motion Equation Set
      2.5  Basic Equations in the p Coordinate System
    Chapter 3  The Relationship between Wind Field and Temperature-Pressure Fields
      3.1  Geostrophic Wind
      3.2  Gradient Wind
      3.3  Inertial Currents and Cyclostrophic Flows
      3.4  Geostrophic Departure
      3.5  Thermal Wind
      3.6  Geostrophic Adjustment and Quasi Geostrophic Motion
    Chapter 4  Air Mass and Front
      4.1  Concepts and Categories of Air Masses
      4.2  Concepts and Categories of Fronts
      4.3  Characteristics of Meteorological Element Fields near Fronts
      4.4  Kinematic Characteristics of Frontogenesis and Frontolysis
      4.5  Dynamic Characteristics of Frontogenesis and Frontolysis
    Chapter 5 Cyclone and Anticyclone
      5.1  General Characteristics of Cyclone and Anticyclone
      5.2  Extratropical Cyclone and Anticyclone
      5.3  Barometric Tendency Equation
      5.4  Vorticity Equation
      5.5  Geopotential Tendency Equation
      5.6  Quasi-Geostrophic o Equation
      5.7  Generation and Development of Extratropical Cyclone and Anticyclone
      5.8  Using Potential Vortices to Explain the Development of Surface Cyclones
    Chapter 6  Westerly Waves and Blocking Systems
      6.1  Types of Westerly Waves
      6.2  Movement of Long Waves
      6.3  Adjustment of Long Waves
      6.4  Blocking High Pressure
      6.5  Cut-off Low Pressure
    Chapter 7  General Cireulation of Atmosphere
      7.1  Models and Control Factors of the Atmospheric General Circulation
      7.2  Features of Mean Horizontal Circulation of Atmosphere
      7.3  Polar and Tropical Circulation of Atmosphere
      7.4  Westerly Circulation Index Cycle
      7.5  Monsoon
      7.6  Subtropical High Pressure
      7.7  Jet Stream
      7.8  Mesoscale Circulation Systems

    Chapter 8  Prediction of Synoptic Situation and Weather
      8.1  Extrapolation and Kinematic Prediction Methods
      8.2  Forecast of Upper-Air Weather Situation
      8.3  Forecasts of Surface Situation
      8.4  Effects of Topography and Friction on Weather Systems
      8.5  Forecast of Front Movement
      8.6  Empirical Prediction Methods
      8.7  Application of Satellite Cloud Images in Weather Forecast
      8.8  General Procedures of Forecast Based on Synoptic Methods
      8.9  Weather Forecast
    Chapter 9  Weather Diagnostic Analysis
      9.1  Objective Analysis of Meteorological Fields
      9.2  Horizontal Airflow Field Analysis
      9.3  The Diagnosis of Vertical Motion
      9.4  Calculation of Water Vapor Flux Divergence and Precipitation


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