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    • 互换性与测量技术基础(普通高等学校机械类专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:贾洁//万一品|责编:雷鸿俊
      • 出版社:西安电子科大
      • ISBN:9787560671222
      • 出版日期:2024/05/01
      • 页数:199
    • 售价:14
  • 内容大纲

        This book is written to meet the practical needs of the teaching plan for the “Interchangeability and Measurement Technology” course. This book is compiled by combining the achievements of recent education reforms and the construction of national first-class undergraduate courses, adopting the latest national standards, with the feature of closely link theory with practical application.
        This book includes 6 chapters. Chapter 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts of interchangeability and standardization. Chapters 2-4 introduce in detail the relevant content of size tolerance, geometric tolerance, and surface roughness from the perspective of accuracy design and basic knowledge reserve of national standards. Chapter 5 starts from error measurement technology and provides a detailed introduction to the basic content of geometric quantity detection technology. Chapter 6 provides a detailed introduction to the accuracy design of typical components for applications.
        This book systematically introduces the basic knowledge of interchangeability and measurement technology, highlights basic concepts, provides specific analysis cases, and is equipped with exercise questions, aiming to deepen students’ understanding of the basic knowledge and apply it.
        This book is suitable to be used as teaching materials or reference books for students majoring in machinery and instrumentation in higher education institutions, and can also be served as a reference book for mechanical engineering technicians.
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction
      1.1  Overview
      1.2  Basic Concepts
        1.2.1  Error and Tolerance
        1.2.2  Interchangeability
        1.2.3  Standardization and Series of Preferred Numbers
        1.2.4  Precision Measurement
      1.3  Purpose of This Course
    Chapter 2 Tolerance and Fit
      2.1  Overview
      2.2  Basic Terms and Definitions
        2.2.1  Size of Hole and Shaft
        2.2.2  Deviation and Tolerance
        2.2.3  Fit Types and Basic System of Fit
      2.3  Standards of Tolerances and Fits
        2.3.1  Standard Tolerance Series
        2.3.2  Fundamental Deviation Series
        2.3.3  Marking Form for Part Illustration
        2.3.4  Standardization of Tolerance Interval and Fit
        2.3.5  General Tolerance
      2.4  Selection of Tolerance and Fit
        2.4.1  Selection of Datum System
        2.4.2  Selection of Tolerance Grade
        2.4.3  Selection of Fit Type
      2.5  Case Analysis of Tolerance and Fit
        2.5.1  Calculation Cases
        2.5.2  Analogy Cases
        2.5.3  Marking of Illustration Cases
      2.6  Measurement of Part Size
        2.6.1  Length Size Measurement
        2.6.2  Shaft Diameter Size Measurement
        2.6.3  Hole Diameter Size Measurement
        2.6.4  Smooth Limit Gauge
    Chapter 3 Geometric Tolerances
      3.1  Overview
      3.2  Basic Terms and Definitions
        3.2.1  Geometric Features
        3.2.2  Characteristics and Symbols of Geometric Tolerances
        3.2.3  Marking of Geometric Tolerances
        3.2.4  Geometric Tolerance Zone
      3.3  Geometric Tolerance Items
        3.3.1  Form Tolerances
        3.3.2  Orientation Tolerances
        3.3.3  Location Tolerances
        3.3.4  Run-out Tolerances
      3.4  Tolerance Principle

        3.4.1  Basic Terms and Definitions
        3.4.2  Independency Principle
        3.4.3  Envelope Requirement
        3.4.4  Maximum Material Requirement
        3.4.5  Least Material Requirement
        3.4.6  Reciprocity Requirement
      3.5  Designing of Geometric Accuracy
        3.5.1  Selection of Geometric Tolerance Features
        3.5.2  Selection of Geometric Tolerance Values
        3.5.3  Selection of Datum
        3.5.4  Selection of Tolerance Principle or Tolerance Requirements
      3.6  Case Analysis of Geometric Tolerances
        3.6.1  Case Design
        3.6.2  Case Study
        3.6.3  Illustration of Marking Cases
        3.6.4  Tolerance Principle Cases
      3.7  Measurement of Geometric Error
        3.7.1  Form Error Measurement
        3.7.2  Measurements of Orientation Error and Location Error
        3.7.3  Run-out Error Measurement
    Chapter 4 Surface Roughness
      4.1  Basic Concept of Surface Roughness
        4.1.1  Definition of Surface Roughness
        4.1.2  Influence of Surface Roughness
      4.2  Evaluation of Surface Roughness
        4.2.1  Basic Terms
        4.2.2  Evaluation Parameters
      4.3  Parameter Values of Surface Roughness and Its Selection
        4.3.1  Parameter Values of Surface Roughness
        4.3.2  Selection of Surface Roughness
      4.4  Surface Roughness Symbol and Its Marking
        4.4.1  Basic Symbols of Surface Roughness
        4.4.2  Marking of Surface Roughness Symbol
        4.4.3  Examples of Surface Roughness Marking
        4.4.4  Marking of Location and Direction of Surface Roughness Symbol
      4.5  Measurement of Surface Roughness
    Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Geometric Quantity Measurement
      5.1  Introduction
        5.1.1  Concept of Measurement and Inspection
        5.1.2  Measurement Process
      5.2  Measurement Standards
        5.2.1  Measurement Standards of Length and Angle
        5.2.2  Dissemination System of Length and Angle
        5.2.3  Gauge Blocks and Their Applications
      5.3  Metrological Equipment and Measurement Methods
        5.3.1  Metrological Equipment

        5.3.2  Measurement Methods
      5.4  Measurement Error and Processing Method of Data Error
        5.4.1  Classification of Measurement Error
        5.4.2  Processing Method of Data Error
      5.5  Case Analysis of Measurement Error
    Chapter 6 Tolerances and Fits for Typical Parts
      6.1  Involute Cylindrical Gear
        6.1.1  Gear Accuracy Evaluation
        6.1.2  Gear Accuracy Grades
        6.1.3  Accuracies of Gear Blank and Gear Pairs
      6.2  Rolling Bearing
        6.2.1  Rolling Bearing Tolerance
        6.2.2  Fit of Rolling Bearing
      6.3  Single Key and Spline
        6.3.1  Tolerance of Single Key Connection
        6.3.2  Tolerance of Spline Connection
      6.4  Thread
        6.4.1  Common Thread Connection
        6.4.2  Tolerance of Common Thread


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