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    • 新能源专业英语(全国电力行业十四五规划教材)
      • 作者:编者:古丽米娜//刘辉//郑力拓|责编:李莉
      • 出版社:中国电力
      • ISBN:9787519883874
      • 出版日期:2024/07/01
      • 页数:252
    • 售价:19.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part Ⅰ  Overview of Clean and Renewable Energy
      Chapter 1  Energy:Definition and Development Status
        1.1  Energy overview
        1.2  Current situation of energy development in China
        1.3  China 's energy strategy
        1.4  Conclusion
        1.5  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 2  Development Status of New Energy
        2.1  Overview of new energy
        2.2  New energy development in China
        2.3  Future development trends of various new energy sources in China
        2.4  Conclusion
        2.5  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 3  Carbon Peak, Carbon Neutrality & New Energy
        3.1  Why reduce carbon emissions
        3.2  Global carbon emission reduction actions
        3.3  China's dual carbon plan
        3.4  Conclusion
        3.5  Supplementary reading
    Part Ⅱ  New Energy Family
      Chapter 4  Solar Energy
        4.1  Solar energy overview
        4.2  Photovoltaic power generation
        4.3  Solar thermal energy
        4.4  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 5  Wind Energy
        5.1  Introduction
        5.2  Wind resources
        5.3  Principle
        5.4  Wind power generation system
        5.5  Advanced technology
        5.6  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 6  Biomass Energy
        6.1  Introduction to biomass
        6.2  Introduction to bioenergy
        6.3  Thermochemical conversion
        6.4  Biochemical conversion
        6.5  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 7  Nuclear Energy
        7.1  Origins of nuclear energy
        7.2  The nuclear power plants
        7.3  Nuclear safety
        7.4  IItroduction to advanced nuclear energy systems
        7.5  Supplementary reading
      Chapter 8  Other Forms of New Energy
        8.1  Geothermal energy
        8.2  Ocean energy
        8.3  Hydrogen energy
        8.4  Supplementary reading

      Chapter 9  Energy Storage
        9.1  Thermal energy storage
        9.2  Mechanical energy storage
        9.3  Chemical energy storage
        9.4  Supplementary reading
    Part Ⅲ  Specialized English
      Chapter 10  English -Chinese Translation
        10.1  Vocabulary translation
        10.2  Sentence translation
        10.3  Punctuation translation
        10.4  Exercises and discussion
      Chapter 11  Academic Writing
        11.1  Preparation
        11.2  Structure
      Chapter 12  Writing for Practical Purposes
        12.1  E-mail
        12.2  Notice
        12.3  Resume(CV)
        12.4  Contract
        12.5  Exercises and discussion Appendix: List of Specialized Words References


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