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    • 会计英语--财务会计(双语版第5版财会专业英语系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:张其秀|责编:陈明
      • 出版社:上海财大
      • ISBN:9787564244323
      • 出版日期:2024/07/01
      • 页数:310
    • 售价:22.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part One  Accounting Theory—Concepts and Framework
      CHAPTER 1  Accounting:The Basis for Decisions
        1.1  Accounting: Information for Decision Making
        1.2  Financial Accounting Information
        1.3  Profession Fields of Accounting
        Extending your knowledge—Accounting Ethic
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
      CHAPTER 2  Theoretical Framework Underlying Financial Accounting
        2.1  Nature of a Theoretical Framework
        2.2  First Level: Basic Objectives
        2.3  Second Level:Fundamental Concepts
        2.4  Third Level: Recognition and Measurement Concepts
        Extending your knowledge—Industry Practice
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
    Part Two  Accounting Information—Recording and Disclosure
      CHAPTER 3  Accounting Cycle
        3.1  Double-entry Accounting
        3.2  Journalizing and Posting
        3.3  End of period Adjusting Entries
        3.4  Work Sheet
        3.5  Closing Entry
        3.6  Preparing Financial Statements
        Extending your knowledge—Adjustment for Taxes in Unprofitable Periods
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple choice Questions
      CHAPTER 4  Basic Financial Statements
        4.1  Balance Sheet
        4.2  Income Statement
        Extending your knowledge—Combined Statement of Income and Retained Earnings
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
    Part Three  Accounting Elements(Assets)——Recognition and Measurement
      CHAPTER 5  Current Assets—Cash, Temporary Investments, Receivables
        5.1  Cash
        5.2  Temporary Investments
        5.3  Accounts Receivable
        5.4  Notes Receivable
        Extending your knowledge—Factoring Accounts Receivable
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions

      CHAPTER 6  Current Assets(Continued)——Inventories
        6.1  Inventory Systems
        6.2  Inventory Measurement
        6.3  Estimating Inventories
        Extending your knowledge—LIFO Reserves
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple choice Questions
      CHAPTER 7  Long-term Assets
        7.1  Plant Assets
        7.2  Intangible Assets
        7.3  Natural Resources
        Extending your knowledge—Non-monetary Transactions
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
    Part Four  Accounting Elements(Liability and Equity)——Recognition and Measurement
      CHAPTER 8  Current Liabilities
        8.1  Current Liabilities of Known Amount
        8.2  Current Liabilities that must be Estimated
        Extending your knowledge—Contingent Liabilities
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
      CHAPTER 9  Long term Liabilities
        9.1  The Basic Concepts of Bonds
        9.2  Issuing Bonds Payable
        9.3  Amortization of Bond Discount and Premium
        9.4  Early Retirement of Bonds Payable
        9.5  Convertible Bonds and Notes
        Extending your knowledge—Advantages of Financing Operations with Bonds versus Stock
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
      CHAPTER 10  Stockholders’ Equity
        10.1  Stock
        10.2  Common Stock and Preferred Stock
        10.3  Issuance Stock
        10.4  Dividends
        10.5  Stock Splits
        10.6  Treasury Stock
        10.7  Donated Capital
        Extending your knowledge—Book Value and Market Price
        Key words, phrases, and special terms

        Multiple-choice Questions
    Part Five  Accounting Analysis—Understanding and Application
      CHAPTER 11  Statement of Cash Flows
        11.1  Function of the Statement of Cash Flows
        11.2  Classifications of Cash Flows
        11.3  Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows
        11.4  A Complete Illustration
        Extending your knowledge—Free Cash Flow
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions
      CHAPTER 12  Financial Statement Analysis
        12.1  Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis
        12.2  Basic Analytical Procedures
        12.3  Current Position Analysis
        12.4  Assets Management Analysis
        12.5  Solvency Ability Analysis
        12.6  Profitability Analysis
        Extending your knowledge—Ratio of Liabilities to Stockholders’Equity
        Key words, phrases, and special terms
        Multiple-choice Questions


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