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    • 跨文化交际学教程(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:郝蕴志|责编:张静
      • 出版社:南开大学
      • ISBN:9787310065639
      • 出版日期:2024/01/01
      • 页数:191
    • 售价:22.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  Culture
      1. The Definition of Culture
      2. Categories of Culture
      3. Characteristics of Culture
      4. Cultural Identity
    Unit 2  Communication & Intercultural Communication
      1. The Definition of Communication
      2. Components of Communication
      3. Characteristics of Communication
      4. Culture and Communication
      5. Intercultural Communication
    Unit 3  Intercultural Communication Barriers
      1. Assumption of Similarities
      2. Language Differences
      3. Nonverbal Misinterpretations
      4. Preconception and Stereotypes
      5. Tendency to Evaluate
      6. High Anxiety
    Unit 4  Cultural Influence on Contexts
      1. High- and Low-Context Cultures
      2. Relevant Concepts and Theories
      3. Relevant Cases and Case Analysis
      4. Conflicts between High- and Low-context Cultures
    Unit 5  Verbal Intercultural Communication
      1. Defining Verbal Communication
      2. Functions of Verbal Communication
      3. Characteristics of Verbal Communication
      4. Types of Verbal Communication
      5. Language Barriers in Verbal Communication
      6. Suggestions for Communicating Verbally across Cultures
    Unit 6  Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
      1. Defining Nonverbal Communication
      2. Functions of Nonverbal Communication
      3. Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication
      4. The Role of Culture in Nonverbal Communication
      5. Suggestions for Communicating Nonverbally across Cultures
    Unit 7  Cultural Patterns
      1. Understanding Cultural Patterns for Effective Intercultural Communication
      2. Defining Cultural Patterns
      3. The Composition of Cultural Patterns
      4. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
      5. Suggestions for Intercultural Communication with Cultural Patterns
    Unit 8  Culture's Influence on Cognition
      1. Human Senses' Limitations
      2. The Process of Human Cognition
      3. Cultural Differences and Cognitive Differences
      4. Intercultural Communicative Competence
    Unit 9  Intercultural Adaptation
      1. Studying Abroad and Acculturation
      2. Culture Shock

      3. Factors Affecting Acculturation
      4. Intercultural Adaptation
      5. Intercultural Adaptation in Different Countries
      6. Suggestions for Avoiding Culture Shock
    Further Reading
      1. Overview
      2. Definition
      3. Models of Intercultural Competence
      4. Assessment of Intercultural Competence
      5. Summary


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