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    • 科技英语--航天科技(第2版工业和信息化部十四五规划教材)
      • 作者:编者:刘芳|责编:武丽娟
      • 出版社:北京理工大学
      • ISBN:9787576329933
      • 出版日期:2023/10/01
      • 页数:155
    • 售价:19.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Research Agencies
      Text I NASA
      Text III CASC
    Unit 2 Rocket
      Text I How Rockets Work
      Text II How Do Space Rockets Work
      Text III Report of a Rocket Experiment
    Unit 3 Space Exploration
      Text I A Review of Human Cognitive Performance during Long -Term Spaceflight
      Text II The Second Space Race--A Review of Asteroid Mining Literature
      Text III Review of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Technology for Deep Space Missions
    Unit 4 Space Station
      Text I Quantum Optics Experiments Using the International Space Station: a Proposal
      Text II Preliminary Studies on the Development of a3-D Space Radiation Transport Model
      Text III A Proposal to Research the Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel at Yucca Mountain
    Unit 5 Space Shuttle
      Text I Space Shuttle Case Studies: Challenger and Columbia
      Text II On the Very Idea of Risk Management: Lessons from the Space Shuttle Challenger
      Text III Advanced Spacecraft Systems Emulation for Space Environment Qualification Testing
    Unit 6 Space Environment
      Text I Charging of Composites in the Space Environment
      Text II Effects of Space Environment Factors on Optical Materials
      Text III Passive Space- Environment -Effect Measurement on the International Space Station


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