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    • 财经基础英语(高校专门用途英语ESP系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:周茜//罗志高|责编:刘艳
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302663300
      • 出版日期:2024/08/01
      • 页数:251
    • 售价:28.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  What Is Economics
      1.1  An Overview of Economics
        1.1.1  Branches of Economics
        1.1.2  Core Principles of Economics
        1.1.3  Types of Economic Systems
      1.2  An Overview of Microeconomics
        1.2.1  Key Concepts of Microeconomics
        1.2.2  Core Theories of Microeconomics
      1.3  An Overview of Macroeconomics
        1.3.1  Key Concepts of Macroeconomics
        1.3.2  Core Theories of Macroeconomics
      1.4  Positive Economics vs Normative Economics
        1.4.1  Positive Economics
        1.4.2  Normative Economics
    Unit 2  An Overview of Traditional Economic Thought in the West and China
      2.1  An Overview of Traditional Economic Thought in the West
        2.1.1  Economic Thought in Ancient Greece and Rome
        2.1.2  Economic Thought in the Middle Ages
      2.2  An Overview of Traditional Economic Thought in China
        2.2.1  Economic Thought Before the 6th Century
        2.2.2  Economic Thought from the 7th to the 14th Century
    Unit 3  Demand and Supply
      3.1  The Law of Demand and Supply
        3.1.1  Definition of Demand
        3.1.2  Demand Curve
        3.1.3  Definition of Supply
        3.1.4  Supply Curve
      3.2  Market Equilibrium
        3.2.1  Equilibrium and Equilibrium Price
        3.2.2  Change of Equilibiun
      3.3  Elasticity of Demand and Supply
        3.3.1  The Elasticity of Demand
        3.3.2  The Elasticity of Supply
    Unit 4  Consumption and Production
      4.1  Utility and Consumer Surplus
        4.1.1  Total Utility and Marginal Utility
        4.1.2  Consumer Surplus
      4.2  Consumer Behavior Theories
        4.2.1  Consumer Equilibrium
        4.2.2  Income Effect and Substitution Effect
      4.3  Cost, Revenue and Profit
        4.3.1  Cost and Producer Surplus
        4.3.2  Revenue and Profit
      4.4  Producers and Production Theory
        4.4.1  Producers and Production Functions
        4.4.2  Productivity and Marginal Effects
    Unit 5  Market Competition
      5.1  Market and Market Structure
      5.2  Competition and Monopoly
        5.2.1  Perfectly Competitive Market

        5.2.2  Monopolistic Market
      5.3  Uncertainty and Game Theory
        5.3.1  Uncertainty and Its Impact on the Market
        5.3.2  Game Theory and the Prisoner's Dilemma
      5.4  Market Failures and Public Goods
        5.4.1  Pareto Efficiency and Market Failures
        5.4.2  Externalities and Public Goods
    Unit 6  Factor Market
      6.1  Factor Market
        6.1.1  Factors of Production and Factor Market
        6.1.2  Perfectly Competitive and Imperfectly Competitive Factor Markets
      6.2  Labor Market
        6.2.1  Demand and Supply of Labor
        6.2.2  The Price of Labor
      6.3  Capital Market
        6.3.1  Demand and Supply of Capital
        6.3.2  The Price of Capital
      6.4  Land Market
        6.4.1  Features of Land
        6.4.2  The Price of Land
    Unit 7  National Economy
      7.1  GDP and GNP
        7.1.1  Definitions of GDP and GNP
        7.1.2  Calculations of GDP and GNP
      7.2  National Income
        7.2.1  Calculation of National Income
        7.2.2  Distribution of National Income
        7.2.3  Significance of National Income
      7.3  Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
        7.3.1  Aggregate Demand
        7.3.2  Aggregate Supply
        7.3.3  The Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model
    Unit 8  Economic Growth and the Business Cycle
      8.1  Inflation
        8.1.1  Inflation and Its Causes
        8.1.2  Impacts of Inflation
      8.2  Unemployment
        8.2.1  Unemployment and Its Classification
        8.2.2  Impacts of Unemployment
      8.3  Economic Growth
        8.3.1  Significance of Economic Growth
        8.3.2  Modem Economic Growth Theories
      8.4  The Business Cycle
        8.4.1  The Business Cycle and Its Stages
        8.4.2  Causes of the Business Cycle
    Unit 9  Macroeconomic Policy
      9.1  The Role of Government in the Economy
        9.1.1  Market Regulation
        9.1.2  Provision of Public Goods and Services
        9.1.3  Economic Stabilization Through Macroeconomic Policies

      9.2  Monetary Policy
        9.2.1  Monetary Policy and Its Functions
        9.2.2  Clasification of Monetary Policy and Its Tools
        9.2.3  Challenges of Monetary Policy
      9.3  Fiscal Policy
        9.3.1  Fiscal Policy and Its Functions
        9.3.2  Classification of Fiscal Policy and Its Tools
        9.3.3  Challenges of Fiscal Policy
    Unit 10  International Economy
      10.1  Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage
        10.1.1  Absolute Advantage
        10.1.2  Comparative Advantage
        10.1.3  Comparative Advantage and International Trade
      10.2  International Economy and Globalization
        10.2.1  Economic Interdependence
        10.2.2  Evolution of Globalization
      10.3  Tariffs
        10.3.1  Definition of Tariff
        10.3.2  The Economic Effects of Tariffs
        10.3.3  The Welfare Effects of Tariffs
    Unit 11  Money and Interest Rates
      11.1  Money
        11.1.1  Definition of Money
        11.1.2  Origins of Money
        11.1.3  Function and Nature of Money
        11.1.4  The Monetary System
      11.2  Interest Rates
        11.2.1  Definition of Interest Rates
        11.2.2  Types of Interest Rates and Influential Factors
    Unit 12  Financial Institutions and Financial Markets
      12.1  Financial Institutions
        12.1.1  Banking Institutions
        12.1.2  Non-banking Financial Institutions
      12.2  Financial Markets
        12.2.1  Money Markets and Capital Markets
        12.2.2  Primary Markets and Secondary Markets
    Unit 13  International Payments
      13.1  Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate
        13.1.1  Foreign Exchange
        13.1.2  Exchange Rate
      13.2  International Balance of Payments
        13.2.1  Definition of International Balance of Payments
        13.2.2  Imbalance of International Payments
        13.2.3  Adjustment of the Imbalance of Payments
    Unit 14  Financial Risk, Crisis, and Supervision
      14.1  Financial Risk
        14.1.1  Overview of Financial Risk
        14.1.2  Management of Financial Risk
      14.2  Financial Crisis
        14.2.1  Overview of Financial Crisis

        14.2.2  Impacts of Financial Crisis
      14.3  Financial Supervision
        14.3.1  Definition of Financial Supervision
        14.3.2  Financial Regulation System


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