本书被誉为“神经科学圣经”“神经科学教科书金标准”,凝聚了众多权WEI神经科学家的主要、前沿的研究,从神经系统的分子、细胞、解剖结构一直到感觉、运动、认知功能,系统、全面地诠释了脑是如何控制全身各器官、系统功能以及适应环境的行为的,并展示了人们对各种神经、精神疾病生物科学基础的新认识。本书为各领域神经科学工作者和学生提供了一份很有价值的指南。对于想要不断深化对脑、精神意识及行为的理解或想要长期从事“探索脑”的工作的读者,本书是权威指导。 -
Part Ⅰ Overall Perspective
1 The Brain and Behavior
2 Genes and Behavior
3 Nerve Cells, Neural Circuitry, and Behavior
4 The Neuroanatomical Bases by Which Neural Circuits Mediate Behavior
5 The Computational Bases of Neural Circuits That Mediate Behavior
6 Imaging and Behavior
Part Ⅱ Cell and Molecular Biology of Cells of the Nervous System
7 The Cells of the Nervous System
8 Ion Channels
9 Membrane Potential and the Passive Electrical Properties of the Neuron
10 Propagated Signaling: The Action Potential
Part Ⅲ Synaptic Transmission
11 Overview of Synaptic Transmission
12 Directly Gated Transmission: The Nerve-Muscle Synapse
13 Synaptic Integration in the Central Nervous System
14 Modulation of Synaptic Transmission and Neuronal Excitability: Second Messengers
15 Transmitter Release
16 Neurotransmitters
Part Ⅳ Perception
17 Sensory CodIng
18 Receptors of the Somatosensory System
19 Touch
20 Pain
21 The Constructive Nature of Visual Processing
22 Low-Level Visual Processing: The Retina
23 Intermediate-Level Visual Processing and Visual Primitives
24 High-Level Visual Processing: From Vision to Cognition
25 Visual Processing for Attention and Action
26 Auditory Processing by the Cochlea
27 The Vestibular System
28 Auditory Processing by the Central Nervous System
29 Smell and Taste: The Chemical Senses
- 故宫日历(公历2017年)(精)26.4
- 时间简史(插图版)18
- 工程数学线性代数(第6版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)7.76
- 昆虫记(精)/经典译林8.72
- 数控铣床综合实训教程19.2
- 昆虫记(插图典藏本)(精)11.2
- 化工制图习题集(普通高等教育规划教材)7.2
- 化工制图(普通高等教育规划教材)15.8
- 生命急救技能14
- 时间简史(普及版)(精)15.2
孩子你慢慢来/人生三书 华人世界率性犀利的一枝笔,龙应台独家授权《孩子你慢慢来》20周年经典新版。她的《...
时间简史(插图版) 相对论、黑洞、弯曲空间……这些词给我们的感觉是艰深、晦涩、难以理解而且与我们的...
本质(精) 改革开放40年,恰如一部四部曲的年代大戏。技术突变、产品迭代、产业升级、资本对接...