本书的作者是一位领域专家,开发过从DNA扫描仪到儿童玩具等各种系统。本书非常适合中高级程序员,无论你使用什么平台。这个经过扩展的第2版新增了IoT和网络传感器、电机与运动、调试、数据处理策略等相关章节。 -
爱利西亚·怀特(Miro Samek),嵌入式系统专家、作家、教师Elecia White是Logical Elegance, Inc.的创始人兼首席嵌入式系统工程师。她曾开发过ICU监护仪、用于飞机和赛车的惯性测量单元、教育玩具以及各种医疗、科学、消费设备。Elecia毕业于美国加州克莱蒙特的哈维马德学院(Harvey Mudd College),也是以嵌入式系统、工程职业、创新技术为主题的播客Embedded.FM的联合主持人。 -
1. Introduction
Embedded Systems Development
Compilers and Languages
Resource Constraints
Principles to Confront Those Challenges
Prototypes and Maker Boards
Further Reading
2. Creating a System Architecture
Getting Started
Creating System Diagrams
The Context Diagram
The Block Diagram
Layering Diagram
Designing for Change
Encapsulate Modules
Delegation of Tasks
Driver Interface: Open, Close, Read, Write, IOCTL
Adapter Pattern
Creating Interfaces
Example: A Logging Interface
A Sandbox to Play In
Back to the Drawing Board
Further Reading
3. Getting Your Hands on the Hardware
Hardware/Software Integration
Ideal Project Flow
Hardware Design
Board Bring-Up
Reading a Datasheet
Datasheet Sections You Need When Things Go Wrong
Datasheet Sections for Software Developers
Evaluating Components Using the Datasheet
Your Processor Is a Language
Reading a Schematic
Practice Reading a Schematic: Arduino!
Keep Your Board Safe
Creating Your Own Debugging Toolbox
Digital Multimeter
Oscilloscopes and Logic Analyzers
Setting Up a Scope
Testing the Hardware (and Software)
Building Tests
Flash Test Example
Command and Response
Command Pattern
Dealing with Errors
Consistent Methodology
Error Checking Flow
Error-Handling Library
Debugging Timing Errors
Further Reading
4. Inputs, Outputs, and Timers
Handling Registers
Binary and Hexadecimal Math
Bitwise Operations
Test, Set, Clear, and Toggle
Toggling an Output
Setting the Pin to Be an Output
Turning On the LED
Blinking the LED
Separating the Hardware from the Action
Board-Specific Header File
5. Interrupts
6. Managing the Flow of Activity.
7. Communicating with Peripherals.
8. Putting Together a System
9. Getting into Trouble
10. Building Connected Devices
11. Doing More with Less
12. Math
13. Redudng Power Consumption
14. Motors and Movement.
- C语言与程序设计教程(高等学校计算机类十二五规划教材)16
- 电机与拖动基础(教育部高等学校自动化专业教学指导分委员会规划工程应用型自动化专业系列教材)13.48
- 传感器与检测技术(第2版高职高专电子信息类系列教材)13.6
- ASP.NET项目开发实战(高职高专计算机项目任务驱动模式教材)15.2
- Access数据库实用教程(第2版十二五职业教育国家规划教材)14.72
- 信号与系统(第3版下普通高等教育九五国家级重点教材)15.08
- 电气控制与PLC(普通高等教育十二五电气信息类规划教材)17.2
- 数字电子技术基础(第2版)17.36
- VB程序设计及应用(第3版十二五职业教育国家规划教材)14.32
- Java Web从入门到精通(附光盘)/软件开发视频大讲堂27.92
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