Chapter 1 Real Variable Theory of HPSpaces
1 Definition of HP spaces
2 Non-tangential maximal functions
3 Grand maximal functions
Chapter 2 Decomposition Structure Theory of HP Spaces
1 Atom
2 Dual space of HI
3 Atom decomposition
4 Dual space of HP
5 Interpolation of operators
6 Interpolations of HP spaces; weak Hp spaces
7 Molecule; molecule decomposition
8 Applications to the boundedness of operators
Chapter 3 Applications to Fourier Analysis
1 Fourier transform
2 The Fourier multiplier
3 The Riesz potential operators
4 Singular integral operators
5 The Bochner-Riesz means
6 Transference theorems of Hp multipliers
Chpater 4 Applications to Approximation Theory
1 K functional
2 Hp multiplier and Jackson-type inequality
3 Hp multiplier and Bernstein type inequality
4 Approximation by Bochner-Riesz means at critical index
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