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    • 二语习得引论/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
      • 作者:(美)萨维尔-特罗伊克
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787560078748
      • 出版日期:2008/12/01
      • 页数:206
    • 售价:9.56
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

        Muriel Savme,Troike为美国亚利桑那大学教授、在社会语言学和应用语言学研究方面都颇有建树。
  • 目录

    About the book
    1 Introducing Second Language Acquisition
      What is SLA?
      What is a second language?
      What is a first language?
      Diversity in learning and learners
    2 Foundations of Second Language Acquisition
      The world of second languages
      The nature of language learning
      L1 versus 1.2 learning
      The logical problem of language learning
      Frameworks for SLA
      Further reading
    3 The Linguistics of Second Language Acquisition
      The nature of language
      Early approaches to SLA
      Universal Grammar
      Functional approaches
      Further reading
    4 The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition
      Languages and the brain
      Learning processes
      Differences in learners
      The effects of rnuitilingulism
      Further reading
    5 Social Contexts of Second Language Acquisition
      Communicative competence
      Microsocial factors
      Macrosocial factors
      Further reading
    6 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use
      Competence and use
      Academic vs. interpersonal competence
      Components of language knowledge
      Receptive activities
      Productive activities
      Further reading

    7 L2 learning and Teaching
      Integrating perspectives
      Approaching near-native competence
      Implications for L2 learning and teaching
    Answer guide to questions for self-study



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