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    • 剑桥实境英语(附光盘听说4)
      • 作者:(英)克拉文
      • 出版社:西安交大
      • ISBN:9787560531502
      • 出版日期:2009/06/01
      • 页数:111
    • 售价:14
  • 内容大纲

        Have you studied long and hard, but still feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking world? Then Cambridge English Skills could just be what you need.
        You can develop the skills you need to use English confidently whether you are—at home, at work, traveling, studying or in social situations with English-speaking friends.Activities based around the themes of Social and Travel and Work and Study cover a whole range of everyday situations and really help you to understand the English you meet in the world around you.
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Map of the book
    Social and Travel
      Unit 1 How's it going?
      Unit 2 I'm looking for a camera
      Unit 3 I need to see a doctor
      Unit 4 What's the problem?
      Unit 5 What a lot of red tape!
      Unit 6 What a great view!
      Review 1
    Work and Study
      Unit 7 I'd appreciate it
      Unit 8 This is your office
      Unit 9 I'll sort it out
      Unit 10 Can I call you back?
      Unit 11 Shall we move on?
      Unit 12 I'd like to begin by…
      Unit 13 Let's take a closer look
      Unit 14 Can you expand on that?
      Unit 15 It'll help me get a good job
      Unit 16 I work well under pressure
    Review 2
      Appendix 1 Useful language
      Appendix 2 Pronunciation features
      Appendix 3 Speaking strategies
      Appendix 4 Presentation evaluation
    Answer key



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