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    • 英语阅读基础教程(1)/高职高专英语专业教材系列
      • 作者:张晓哲
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309065053
      • 出版日期:2009/06/01
      • 页数:269
    • 售价:11.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  Schooling
      Text A  The First-Year College Experience
      Text B  In A Class by Himself
      Text C  Graduation Speech
    Unit 2  Business
      Text A  Leading Clever People
      Text B  How Valuable Is Word of Mouth?
      Text C  First-Born Kids Become CEO Material
    Unit 3  American Dream
      Text A  From Jail to Wall Street
      Text B  American Dream
      Text C  The Road to Universal Studios: Gumption and Guts
    Unit 4  Marriage
      Text A  Divorces Here! Everyone A Loser!
      Text B  How to Pick A Perfect Mate
      Text C  Why Do Cheaters Pick Lovers Who Look Like Their Partners?
    Unit 5  Parenting
      Text A  Pushy Parents: This Is Your Fault
      Text B  Boarding: Hard Times?
      Text C  Bedtime Stories: We All Have A Tale to Tell
    Unit6  Obesity  -
      Text A  Obesity : Sitting Isn't Pretty
      Text B  Fatbusters
      Text C  Set the Table for Success
    Unit 7  Working Life
      Text A  What Not to Do When Working from Home
      Text B  Make Your Voice Heard at Work
      Text C  Taboos on Asking for A Pay Rise
    Unit 8 Study Abroad
      Text A  It Sounds Like the American Dream but Make Sure You Do the Math
      Text B  French Fries to Blue Chips
      Text C  More Top English Students Opt for American Universities
    Unit 9 The Virtual World
      Text A  Online Dating: Using the Net to Land A Worthwhile Catch
      Text B  Real Estate Lists Grow Comfortable with the Web
      Text C  Sears' Quiet E-Commerce Revolution
    Unit 10  Happiness
      Text A  True Happiness Is Just A Fortnight Away
      Text B  The Way to Happiness -- A Wonder Drug
      Text C  How to Be Happy
    Unit 11  The General Election
      Text A  Already, Obama and McCain Map Fall Strategies
      Text B  Obama Passes Clinton in Superdelegate Count
      Text C  How Are They Leaning in Notting Hill? ~
    Unit 12 The Digital Technology
      Text A  Death of A Middleman
      Text B  Are Students Killing Television?
      Text C  DVDs Enjoy Final Hurrah Before Sales Begin to Slide
    Unit 13  The Credit Crunch
      Text A  Boom for Pawnbrokers As Credit Crunch Bites

      Text B  Is the Credit Crunch Affecting Your Relationship?
      Text C  US Credit Crunch Hits Education As Banks Abandon Student
    Unit 14  Success
      Text A  How to Minimize Risk
      Text B  Inside A Deal
      Text C  Success? Who Needs It?
    Unit 15 The Film Influstw
      Text A  Hollywood Is Burning
      Text B  Films with Limited Release Find A Home on the Web
      Text C  Life after Oscar: It's Not All Glittering Prizes
    Unit 16 Retirement  
      Text A  Path to Retirement Has Pitfalls for Women
      Text B  Second Acts
      Text C  For A Good Retirement, Find Work Good Luck



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