Preface by Halliday
Preface to first edition
Preface to second edition
Preface to third edition
Preface to fourtb edition
System of reference
Transcriptions and abbreviations
General linguistics: the scope of the subject
1.1 General linguistics as the study of language
1.1.1 Languages and languages
1.1.2 Descriptive, historical, and comparative linguistics
1.1.3 The term 'philology'
1.2 Linguistics as a science
1.2.1 Implications of the term 'science'
1.2.2 Practical applications
1.3 The range of general linguistics
1.3.1 Levels of analysis
1.3.2 Language and communication
1.3.3 Phonetics, phonology, grammar, semantics
1.4 Semantics
1.4.1 Philosophical and linguistic interest in meaning
1.4.2 Word meaning
1.4.3 Sentence meaning
1.4.4 Extralinguistic context
1.4.5 Translation
General bibliography
Bibliography for Chapter Ⅰ
Notes to Chapter Ⅰ
2 Theoretical and methodological considerations
2.1 Abstractions
2.1.1 The status of linguistic abstractions
2.1.2 Structural linguistics: syntagmatic and
paradigmatic relations
2.2 Dialect, idiolect, style
2.2.1 Dialects as subdivisions of languages
2.2.2 Dialect mapping: isoglosses
2.2.3 Class dialects and 'standard languages'
2.2.4 Criteria for determining dialect status
2.2.5 Linguistic tendencies affecting dialectal divisions
2.3 General and particular
2.4 The structural treatment of lexical meaning
2.4.1 Lexical interrelations
2.4.2 Collocation
2.4.3 Semantic field theory
Bibliography for Chapter 2
Notes to Chapter 2
3 Phonetics
3.1 Articulatory phonetics
3.1.1 The spoken foundation of language
3.1.2 Primacy of articulatory phonetics
3.1.3 The physiological basis of speaking
3.2 The organs of speech
3.2.1 The glottis
3.2.2 The supraglottal organs of speech
3.2.3 Nasalization
3.3 Segmentation: vowel and consonant
3.3.1 Segmentation
3.3.2 Vowels and consonants: transcription
3.3.3 Vowels
3.3.4 Consonants
3.4 Acoustic phonetics
3.5 Piurisegmental features
3.5.1 The continuum of articulation
3.5.2 Glottal and supraglottal features
3.5.3 Stress
3.5.4 Pitch
3.5.5 Voice quality
3.6 Phonetics in linguistics
Bibliography for Chapter 3
Notes to Chapter 3
4 Phonology
4.1 Speech and writing
4.2 Narrow and broad transcription: phonetics and
4.3 The phoneme theory
4.3.1 The phonemic principle, phonemics
4.3.2 Segmental phonemes
4.3.3 Phonemic analysis of length and stress
4.3.4 The syllable
4.3.5 Tone phonemes
4.3.6 Intonation
4.3.7 Distinctive features
4.4 Further developments
4.4.1 Classical phoneme theory
4.4.2 Juncture phonemes
4.4.3 Prosodic phonology
4.4.4 Generative phonology
4.4.5 Natural generative phonology
4.4.6 Rule ordering
4.4.7 Autosegmental and metrical phonology
Bibliography for Chapter 4
Notes to Chapter 4
5 Grammar: grammatical elements
5.1 Preliminary questions
5.1.1 Uses of the term 'grammar'
5.1.2 Formal grammar
5.1.3 The basic units of grammar
5.2 The sentence
5.3 The word
5.3.1 Grammatical criteria of word status
5.3.2 Phonological markers of the word
5-3.3 Variant word forms
5.4 The morpheme
5.4.1 The morpheme as the minimal grammatical unit
5.4.2 Morpheme variants (allomorphs)
5.4.3 Bound and free morphemes: root and affix
5.5 The semantic status of morphemes
Bibliography for Chapters 5 and 6
Notes to Chapter 5
6 Grammar: grammatical classes, structures, and categories
6.1 Syntactic relations
6.2 Word classes
6.3 Immediate constituents
6.3.1 General principles: basic syntactic structures
6.3.2 Endocentric and exocentric: subordinate and coordinate
6.3.3 Word order and syntactic structure
6.3.4 Cross-cutting of immediate constituents and word boundaries
6.3.5 Comparison with traditional practice
6.4 Grammatical categories
6.4.1 Number, gender, case
6.4.2 Concord and government
6.4.3 Subject and object
6.4.4 Morphology in relation to syntax
6.4.5 Inflection and derivation
6.4.6 Grammatical functions of stress and pitch features
6.4.7 Morpheme and category
6.5 Subclasses, irregularities, and economy
6.6 Grammatical semantics
6.6.1 Semantic correlations
6.6.2 Meanings of grammatical categories
6.6.3 Class meanings and structural meanings
6.6.4 Methodological implications
Notes to Chapter 6
7 Current linguistic theory
7. 1 Theory formation
7. 1.1 Linguistic theory and linguistic practice
7. 1 .2 Rival theories
7.2 Transformational-generative linguistics (TG)
7.2.1 General considerations
7.2.2 Early formulation: Syntactic structures
7.2.3 Later developments: Aspects of the theory of syntax and after
7.2.4 Government and binding
7.3 Other current theories
7.3.1 General context
7.3.2 Generalized phrase structure grammar(GPSG)
7.3.3 Relational and functional grammar
7.3.4 Dependency grammars
7.4 Earlier post-'structuralist' theories
7.4.1 General context
7.4.2 Tagmemics
7.4.3 M.A.K. Halliday: systemic grammar
7.4.4 Stratificational linguistics
7.5 Postscript
Bibliography for Chapter 7
Notes to Chapter 7
8 Linguistic comparison
8.3 Historically orientated comparison of languages (comparative and historical linguistics)
8.1.1 The material
8.1.2 The Great Vowel Shift in English
8.1.3 Semantic changes
8.1.4 The Indo-European family
8.1.5 Other language families
8.1.6 The representation of correspondences
8.1.7 The neogrammarian thesis
8.1.8 Loan words
8.1.9 Analogy
8.1.10 Sound change and generative grammar
8.1. 11 Historical inferences
8.2 Typological comparison
8.2.1 General principles
8.2.2 Phonetic typology
8.2.3 Phonological typology
8.2.4 Grammatical typology
8.2.5 Linguistic typology and linguistic universals
8.2.6 Structural typology
8.2.7 Lexical typology
8.2.8 Historical change and linguistic typology
8.2.9 Summary
Bibliography for Chapter 8
Notes to Chapter 8
9 Wider perspectives
9.1 Linguistics, anthropology and sociology
9.1.1 Linguistics and anthropology
9.1.2 Linguistics and sociology: sociolinguistics
9.2 Linguistics and philosophy
9.3 Linguistics and psychology
9.4 Linguistics and language teaching: linguistics and communications engineering
9.4.1 Linguistics and language teaching
9.4.2 Linguistics and communications engineering
9.5 Linguistics and literature
9.6 Outline of the history of linguistic studies in Western Europe
Bibliography for Chapter 9
Notes to Chapter 9
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