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    • 新编英语文体学教程(高等学校英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:董启明
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787560072586
      • 出版日期:2009/07/01
      • 页数:251
    • 售价:11.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part One: Theoretical Preliminaries and Major Varieties of English
    Chapter 1  Style and Stylistics
    1.1  Introduction
    1.2  Definitions of Style
    1.3  Definitions of Stylistics
    1.4  The Development of Stylistics
    1.5  The Scope of Study

    Chapter 2  Procedure of Stylistic Analysis
    2.1  Linguistic Description
    2.2  A Checklist of Linguistic Description
    2.3  Textual Analysis
    2.4  Contextual Factors Analysis

    Chapter 3  Stylistic Functions of Linguistic Items
    3.1  Stylistic Functions of Speech Sounds
    3.2  Stylistic Functions of Graphological Items
    3.3  Stylistic Functions of Lexical Items
    3.4  Stylistic Functions of Syntactic/Grammatical Items

    Chapter 4  Varieties in Relation to Regions
    4.1  Introduction
    4.2  A Brief Introduction to British English
    4.3  The Appearance of American English
    4.4  Differences Between British English and American English
    4.5  British Regional Dialects
    4.6  American Regional Dialects

    Chapter 5  Varieties in Relation to Media
    5.1  Introduction
    5.2  Spoken English and Written English
    5.3  Electronic English

    Chapter 6  Varieties in Relation to Attitude
    6.1  Degrees of Formality
    6.2  Politeness
    6.3  Impersonality
    6.4  Accessibility

    Chapter 7  Varieties in Relation to Social Factors
    7.1  Introduction
    7.2  Women's English
    7.3  Black English
    7.4  Taboo and Euphemism

    Part Two: Varieties in Relation to Genre
    Chapter 8  The English of Conversation
    8.1  About Conversation
    8.2  Phonological Features
    8.3  Lexical Features

    8.4  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    8.5  Semantic Features
    8.6  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 9  The English of Public Speaking
    9.1  About Public Speeches
    9.2  Phonological Features
    9.3  Lexical Features
    9.4  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    9.5  Semantic Features
    9.6  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 10  The English of News Reporting(1): General Knowledge
    10.1  About News Reports
    10.2  Different Kinds of Newspapers and Magazines
    10.3  The Make-Up of News Reports

    Chapter 11  The English of News Reporting(2): Stylistic Features
    11.1  Graphological Features
    11.2  Lexical Features
    11.3  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    11.4  Semantic Features
    11.5  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 12 The English of Advertising
    12.1  About Advertisements
    12.2  Graphological Features
    12.3  Lexical Features
    12.4  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    12.5  Semantic Features
    12.6  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 13  Literary English(1): The Novel
    13.1  About the Novel
    13.2  Aspects for the Analysis of the Novel
    13.3  General Stylistic Features of the Novel
    13.4  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 14  Literary English(2): Poetry
    14.1  About Poetry
    14.2  Prosody
    14.3  General Stylistic Features of Poetry
    14.4  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 15  The English of Science and Technology
    15.1  About the English of Science and Technology
    15.2  Graphological Features
    15.3  Lexical Features
    15.4  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    15.5  Semantic Features

    15.6  Sample Analysis of a Student

    Chapter 16  The English of Legal Documents
    16.1  About Legal Documents
    16.2  Graphological Features
    16.3  Lexical Features
    16.4  Syntactic/Grammatical Features
    16.5  Semantic Features
    16.6  Sample Analysis of a Student



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