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    • 大学英语视听说教程1(附光盘学生用书修订版大学英语立体化网络化系列教材普通高等教育十二五规划教材)
      • 作者:刘红中
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301203064
      • 出版日期:2012/03/01
      • 页数:134
    • 售价:14.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Friends
    Unit 2 Allow Me to Introduce Myself
    Unit 3 By Invitation Only
    Unit 4 As Time Goes By
    Unit 5 Let Me Entertain You!
    Unit 6 It Was Only a Gesture
    Unit 7 The Sport of Shopping
    Unit 8 Love and Marriage, Go Together like a Horse and Carriage
    Unit 9 A Family Portrait
    Unit 10 All in a Day's Work
    Unit 11 Hitchin'a Ride
    Unit 12 For Every Time, There Is a Season
    Unit 13 News, Weather and Sports
    Unit 14 Man on the Street Interviews
    Unit 15 May I Ask Who Is Calling?



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