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    • 现代大学英语(第2版3精读教师用书英语专业精品教材普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材)
      • 作者:杨立民//徐克容|主编:杨立民
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787513517492
      • 出版日期:2012/03/01
      • 页数:350
    • 售价:18.36
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  Your College Years
    Unit 2  How Reading Changed My Life
    Unit 3 A Dill Pickle
    Unit 4  Diogenes and Alexander
    Unit 5  Silent Spring
    Unit 6  How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
    Unit 7  Inter-Lesson (I)
    Unit 8  In My Day
    Unit 9  Globalization's Dual Power
    Unit 10  The End of the Civil War
    Unit 11  Why Historians Disagree
    Unit 12  The Most Dangerous Game
    Unit 13  The Needs That Drive Us All
    Unit 14 Inter-Lesson (II)
    Unit 15  A Drink in the Passage
    Unit 16  Twelve Angry Men



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