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    • 口腔科学(医学教育改革系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:孙正
      • 出版社:高等教育
      • ISBN:9787040341409
      • 出版日期:2012/05/01
      • 页数:137
    • 售价:9.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Dental and OralAnatomy
    1.1 Dental Anatomy
    1.2 Structures of the Oral Cavity

    Chapter 2 Cariology and Endodontics
    2.1 Dental Caries
    2.2 Treatment for Dental Caries
    2.3 Tetracycline Stained Teeth
    2.4 Wedge-shaped Defect
    2.5 Dentine Hypersensitivity
    2.6 Incomplete Fracture or Split Tooth
    2.7 Diseases of the Dental Pulp and Periapical Tissues
    2.8 Endodontic Treatments
    2.9 Root Canal Therapy

    Chapter 3 Periodontal Disease
    3.1 Classification of PeriodontaL Diseases and Conditions
    3.2 Etiology and Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases
    3.3 Gingival Disease
    3.4 Periodontitis
    3.5 Treatment of Periodontal Disease

    Chapter 4 Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
    4.1 Epidemiology
    4.2 Etiopathogenesis
    4.3 Clinical Features
    4.4 Diagnosis
    4.5 Differential Diagnosis
    4.6 Treatment

    Chapter 5 Intraoral Local Anesthesia
    5.1 Types of Oral Local Anesthetics
    5.2 Armamentarium
    5.3 Precautions
    5.4 Injection Techniques
    5.5 NerveBlockAnesthesia
    5.6 Adverse Effects

    Chapter 6 Dental Extractions
    6.1 Indications for the Extraction of Teeth
    6.2 Contraindications for the Extraction of Teeth
    6.3 Complications of Dental Extractions
    6.4 Dental Extractions

    Chapter 7 Infection and Inflammation of the Tooth and Jaws
    7.1 Pulpitis
    7.2 Soft Tissue Infections of Face

    Chapter 8 Oral and MaxillofacialInjuries
    8.1 Assessment of the Injured Patient

    8.2 DentaL Injuries
    8.3 Facial Soft Tissue Injuries
    8.4 Facial Fractures

    Chapter 9 Temporomandibular Disorders
    9.1 Making Sense of Terminology
    9.2 Occluso-muscle Disorders
    9.3 Intracapsular Disorders of the TMJ
    9.4 Classification of Intracapsular Disorders

    Chapter 10 Maxillofacial Pathology
    10.1 Odontogenic Diseases
    10.2 Salivary Diseases
    10.3 Premalignant Diseases
    10.4 Oral Cancer

    Chapter 11 Geriatric Dentistry
    11.1 Changes in the Oral Cavity with Aging
    11.2 Medical and Pharmacological Issues in the Dental Care of Older Adults
    11.3 Dental Caries and Pulp Diseases in the Aging Individual
    11.4 Aging and Periodontal Disease
    11.5 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Geriatric Patient
    11.6 Prosthetic Considerations in Geriatric Dentistry

    Chapter 12 Oral Manifestations of Systenuc Diseases
    1 2.1 HIV Disease
    12.2 Gastrointestinal Diseases
    12.3 Hematologic Disorders
    12.4 Connective-tissue Disorders



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