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    • 新编英语语法教程(教师用书第5版修订版新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材)
      • 作者:章振邦|主编:戴炜栋
      • 出版社:上海外教
      • ISBN:9787544632898
      • 出版日期:2013/08/01
      • 页数:324
    • 售价:14
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    第一部分  《新编英语语法教程》的体系特征
    第二部分  英文讲授提纲
    Introduction GrammatiCal Hierarchy
    Lecture 1 SentenCe structure
    Lecture 2 Subject verb Concord (I)
    Lecture 3  Subject'verb Concord (II)
    Lecture 4  Noun and Noun Phrase
    Lecture 5  Genitive Noun
    Lecture 6 Determiners (I)
    Lecture 7  Determiners (II) -- Articles
    Lecture 8  Pronouns (I)
    Lecture 9  Pronouns (H)
    Lecture 10  Verb and Verb Phrase
    Lecture 11  Tense and Aspect (I)
    Lecture 12  Tense and Aspect (H)
    Lecture 13  Means of Expressing Future Time
    Lecture 14  Passive Voice (I)
    Lecture 15  Passive Voice (II)
    Lecture 16  Subjunctive Mood
    Lecture 17  Auxiliaries (I)
    Lecture 18  Auxiliaries (II)
    Lecture 19  Infinitive (I)
    Lecture 20  Infinitive (II)
    Lecture 21  -ing Participle
    Lecture 22  -ed Participle
    Lecture 23  Adjective and Adjective Phrase
    Lecture 24  Adverb and Adverb Phrase
    Lecture 25  Comparison and Comparative Constructions
    Lecture 26  Preposition and Prepositional Phrase
    Lecture 27 Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation
    Lecture 28  Existential Sentence
    Lecture 29  It-Patterns
    Lecture 30  Coordination
    Lecture 31  Subordination (I)
    Lecture 32  Subordination (II)
    Lecture 33  Relative Clause
    Lecture 34  Conditional Sentence
    Lecture 35  Direct and Indirect Speech
    Lecture 36  Modification
    Lecture 37  Substitution
    Lecture 38  Ellipsis
    Lecture 39  Postponement, Fronting and Inversion
    Lecture 40  From Sentence to Text
    第三部分  练习参考答案
    Key to Exercises



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