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    • 职业英语交际手册(附光盘新职业英语基础篇高职高专英语立体化系列教材)
      • 作者:司建国//杨新义|主编:徐小贞
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787560080390
      • 出版日期:2009/06/01
      • 页数:241
    • 售价:7.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1
    Are you Mr. Johnson from New York?
    Unit 2
    What kind of room do you prefer?
    Unit 3
    May I have your order now?
    Unit 4
    Welcome to WaI-Mart!
    Unit 5
    I've got to mail some urgent documents
    Unit 6
    I have to take a make-up exam in computer class
    Unit 7
    You can't have your cake and eat it too
    Unit 8
    Now we have so many electronic journal titles
    Unit 9
    My first self-driving tour is so screwed up!
    Unit 10
    It isn't rush hour
    Unit 11
    Can I have a window seat?
    Unit 12
    I'd like to book a booth
    Unit 13
    I'd like to propose a toast to your health
    Unit 14
    Can I leave you a message?
    Unit 15
    Packages are "silent salespeople".
    Unit 16
    Do you have an E-mail address?
    Unit 17
    My laptop has a virus
    Unit 18
    What's WAP?
    Unit 19
    Are you looking for a new car?
    Unit 20
    Will it be expensive to build up a gene bank?
    Unit 21
    Are you an art lover?
    Unit 22
    You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow
    Unit 23
    What type of motor are you looking for?
    Unit 24
    What is the area of these two suites respectively?
    Unit 25
    I've come here for an interview

    Unit 26
    What sort of account do you have in mind?
    Unit 27
    Freeze! Police!
    Unit 28
    He performed a hat trick!
    Unit 29
    A new Steven Spielberg movie is out
    Unit 30
    Would you be interested in buying insurance?



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