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    • 希腊罗马史料集(6早期罗马帝国英文影印版)/西方古典学研究
      • 作者:(美)罗伯特·K.谢尔克|主编:黄洋//高峰枫
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301241660
      • 出版日期:2014/06/01
      • 页数:302
    • 售价:18.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

        罗伯特·K.谢尔克(Robert.Sherk,1920—2012),生前为布法罗纽约州立大学古代史教授,以对古希腊和罗马的碑铭研究享誉于世,在本套史料集之外,其代表作Roman Documents from the Greek East(1969)是这一领域的经典。
  • 目录

    “西方古典学研究”总序 “西方古典学研究”编委会
    导读 黄洋
    “希腊罗马史料集”总序 罗伯特·谢尔克
    第一部 战争与和平时期的帝国政府
        1  Calendar entries for Augustus
        2  Legal decision by Augustus and Agrippa,and a governor's letter to Kyme
        3  Augustus refuses freedom to Samos
        4  Senatorial and imperial provinces
        5  Illyricum and Thrace under Augustus
        6  General repair of main highways in Italy
        7  Augustus and the imperial cult
        8  The Cantabrian campaign in Spain
        9   Military expeditions deep into Africa
        10  Peace on the eastern frontier
        11  The Secular Games of Augustus
        12  Greek translation of funeral oration given by Augustus for Agrippa
        13  Five edicts of Augustus and a decree of the senate
        14  Control over priestly credentials in Egypt
        15  Oath of loyalty sworn in Paphlagonia to Augustus and his descendants
        16   Rome and the Far East
        17  Letter of Augustus to his grandson
        18   Gaius Caesar in the Greek East
        19   Honors decreed in Pisae for the dead Gaius Caesar
        20  War against the Gaetulians in Africa
        21  Fabricius Tuscus and a levy of troops at Rome
        22  Equestrian officer takes the census
        23   Centurion killed in the disaster of Varus
        24  Rebellion in Athens against Rome
        25  Minutes of an audience in Rome given by Augustus with his Advisory Board to envoys from Alexandria
        26  The ' Res Gestae' of Augustus
        27  Imperial edict concerning violation of sepulchres
        28   Calendar entries for Tiberius
        29  Edict of the governor of Galatia on requisitioning of transport
        30  Charioteer at the Games in honor of Caesar's Victory
        31  Letter of Tiberius refusing divine honors
        32  Sacred law for a festival of the imperial cuh
        33  Germanicus at the Olympic Games
        34  Germanicus in Egypt
        35  Roman upper classes forbidden to participate in public performances
        36  Honors for the dead Germanicus
        37  The new equestrian order
        38  The imperial cult in Galatia
        39  Pontius Pilatus,prefect of Judaea
        40  The fall of Sejanus,later recollection

        41  Oath of allegiance to Gaius
        42  Client states and kings
        43  Cult of Gaius and the administrative districts of Asia
    第二部 罗马世界里的社会
      I 罗马人名
      II 罗马帝国纪年


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