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    • 物理学家用的几何代数(英文版)
      • 作者:(英)多兰
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787510078552
      • 出版日期:2014/09/01
      • 页数:578
    • 售价:59.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1 Introduction
      1.1 Vector (linear) spaces
      1.2 The scalar product
      1.3 Complex numbers
      1.4 Quaternions
      1.5 The cross product
      1.6 The outer product
      1.7 Notes
      1.8 Exercises
    2 Geometric algebra in two and three dimensions
      2.1 A new product for vectors
      2.2 An outline of geometric algebra
      2.3 Geometric algebra of the plane
      2.4 The geometric algebra of space
      2.5 Conventions
      2.6 Reflections
      2.7 Rotations
      2.8 Notes
      2.9 Exercises
    3 Classical mechanics
      3.1 Elementary principles
      3.2 Two-body central force interactions
      3.3 Celestial mechanics and perturbations
      3.4 Rotating systems and rigid-body motion
      3.5 Notes
      3.6 Exercises
    4 Foundations of geometric algebra
      4.1 Axiomatic development
      4.2 Rotations and refiections
      4.3 Bases, frames and components
      4.4 Linear algebra
      4.5 Tensors and components
      4.6 Notes
      4.7 Exercises
    5 Relativity and spacetime
      5.1 An algebra for spacetime
      5.2 Observers, trajectories and frames
      5.3 Lorentz transformations
      5.4 The Lorentz group
      5.5 Spacetime dynamics
      5.6 Notes
      5.7 Exercises
    6 Geometric calculus
      6.1 The vector derivative
      6.2 Curvilinear coordinates
      6.3 Analytic functions
      6.4 Directed integration theory
      6.5 Embedded surfaces and vector manifolds

      6.6 Elasticity
      6.7 Notes
      6.8 Exercises
    7 Classical electrodynamics
      7.1 Maxwell's equations
      7.2 Integral and conservation theorems
      7.3 The electromagnetic field of a point charge
      7.4 Electromagnetic waves
      7.5 Scattering and diffraction
      7.6 Scattering
      7.7 Notes
      7.8 Exercises
    8 Quantum theory and spinors
      8.1 Non-relativistic quantum spin
      8.2 Relativistic quantum states
      8.3 The Dirac equation
      8.4 Central potentials
      8.5 Scattering theory
      8.6 Notes
      8.7 Exercises
    9 Multiparticle states and quantum entanglement
      9.1 Many-body quantum theory
      9.2 Multiparticle spacetime algebra
      9.3 Systems of two particles
      9.4 Relativistic states and operators
      9.5 Two-spinor calculus
      9.6 Notes
      9.7 Exercises
    10 Geometry
      10.1 Projective geometry
      10.2 Conformal geometry
      10.3 Conformal transformations
      10.4 Geometric primitives in conformal space
      10.5 Intersection and reflection in conformal space
      10.6 Non-Euclidean geometry
      10.7 Spacetime conformal geometry
      10.8 Notes
      10.9 Exercises
    11 Further topics in calculus and group theory
      11.1 Multivector calculus
      11.2 Grassmann calculus
      11.3 Lie groups
      11.4 Complex structures and unitary groups
      11.5 The generallinear group
      11.6 Notes
      11.7 Exercises
    12 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian techniques
      12.1 The Euler-Lagrange equations
      12.2 Classical models for spin-1/2 particles
      12.3 Hamiltonian techniques

      12.4 Lagrangian field theory
      12.5 Notes
      12.6 Exercises
    13 Symmetry and gauge theory
      13.1 Conservation laws in field theory
      13.2 Electromagnetism
      13.3 Dirac theory
      13.4 Gauge principles for gravitation
      13.5 The gravitational field equations
      13.6 The structure of the Riemann tensor
      13.7 Notes
      13.8 Exercises
    14 Gravitation
      14.1 Solving the field equations
      14.2 Spherically-symmetric systems
      14.3 Schwarzschild black holes
      14.4 Quantum mechanics in a black hole background
      14.5 Cosmology
      14.6 Cylindrical systems
      14.7 Axially-symmetric systems
      14.8 Notes
      14.9 Exercises



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