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    • 多项式和多项式不等式(英文版)
      • 作者:(加)博尔维恩
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787510037573
      • 出版日期:2011/07/01
      • 页数:480
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    chapter 1 introduction and basic properties
      1.1 polynomials and rational functions
      1.2 the fundamental theorem of algebra
      1.3 zeros of the derivative
    chapter 2 some special polynomials
      2.1 chebyshev polynomials
      2.2 orthogonal functions
      2.3 orthogonal polynomials
      2.4 polynomials with nonnegative coefficients
    chapter 3 chebyshev and descartes systems
      3.1 chebyshev systems
      3.2 descartes systems
      3.3 chebyshev polynomials in chebyshev spaces
      3.4 miintz-legendre polynomials
      3.5 chebyshev polynomials in rational spaces
    chapter 4 denseness questions
      4.1 variations on the weierstrass theorem
      4.2 miintz's theorem 4.3 unbounded bernstein inequalities
      4.4 miintz rationals
    chapter 5 basic inequalities
      5.1 classical polynomial inequalities
      5.2 markov's inequality for higher derivatives
      5.3 inequalities for norms of factors
    chapter 6 inequalities in muntz spaces
      6.1 inequalities in mfintz spaces
      6.2 nondense miintz spaces
    chapter 7 inequalities for rational function spaces
      7.1 inequalities for rational function spaces
      7.2 inequalities for logarithmic derivatives
    appendix a1 algorithms and computational concerns
    appendix a2 orthogonality and irrationality
    appendix a3 an interpolation theorem
    appendix a4 inequalities for generalized polynomials in lp
    appendix a5 inequalities for polynomials with constraints



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