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    • 英国国情(英国历史文化第2版21世纪CBI内容依托系列英语教材)
      • 作者:编者:常俊跃//夏洋//赵永青
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301271667
      • 出版日期:2016/06/01
      • 页数:226
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 The Birth of a Nation
      Text A The Ancient Britons and Invasions
      Text B Anglo-Saxon England
      Text C King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
      Text D The Venerable Bede(673—735)
    Unit 2 The Normans
      Text A The Norman Monarchs
      Text B Feudalism a fter the Norman Conquest
      Text C The Doomsday Book
    Unit 3 The Early Plantagenet
      Text A The Rule of Law
      Text B The Canterbury Tales
      Text C The Crusades
    Unit 4 The House of Plantagenet
      Text A The Birth of Parliament
      Text B The Magna Carta
      Text C King John
    Unit 5 The 14th·century England
      Text A The Hundred Years’War
      Text B The Black Death and Wat Tyler Uprising
      Text C Wat Tyler and His Revolting Peasants
      Text D Toan Of Arc—Maid of Orleans
    Unit 6 The House of Lancaster and York
      Text A The Wars ofthe Roses
      Text B The Mystery of the Princes in the Tower
      Text C The Middle Ages
    Unit 7 The Tudor Age
      Text A The Tudor Monarchy
      Text B The Reformation in England(1517—1563)
      Text C King Henry VII
      Text D Henry VIII and His Marriage
    Unit 8 The Elizabethan Age
      Text A The Reign Of Elizabeth I
      Text B Queen Elizabeth I
      Text C Entertainment in Elizabethan Age
      Text D Defeat ofthe Spanish Armada
    Unit 9 The House of Stuart
      Text A The Age of Revolution
      Text B King James VI and I
      Text C The English Civil War
    Unit 10 The House of Hanover
      Text A The Hanoverian Monarchs
      Text B Napoleon Bonaparte(1769—1821)
      Text C King Georg
    Unit 1 1 The Industrial Revolution
      Text A The British Industrial Revolution
      Text B Machines for the Industrial Revolution
      Text C The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
    Unit 12 The Victorian Age(1837—1901)
      Text A Queen Victoria and Her

      Text B Everyday Life in Victorian England
      Text C Charles Dickens(1812—1870)
    Unit 13 The World at War
      Text A The Great Britain in the World Wars
      Text B Causes OfWorld War I
      Text C Winston Churchill
    Unit 14 Towards the New Millennium
      Text A House 0f Windsor
      Text B Long Live the queen!
      Text C Margaret Thatch
    Unit 15 wales,Scotland and Ireland
      Text A The English Conquest o f Wales
      Text B The Story of Scotland
      Text C The Ties between Ireland and the Great Britain
    Appendix 1:Kings and Queens of England and Br
    Appendix 2:Genealogy of the Monarchs of England



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