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    • 复半单李代数(英文版)
      • 作者:(法)赛尔,J-P.
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787510090707
      • 出版日期:2017/01/01
      • 页数:74
    • 售价:10
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    CHAPTER I  Nilpotent Lie Algebras and Solvable Lie Algebras
      1.Lower Central Series
      2.Definition of Nilpotent Lie Algebras
      3.An Example of a Nilpotent Algebra
      4.Engei's Theorems
      5.Derived Series
      6.Definition of Solvable Lie Algebras
      7.Lie's Theorem
      8.Cartan's Criterion
    CHAPTER II  Semisimple Lie Algebras (General Theorems)
      1.Radical and Semisimplicity
      2.The Cartan-Killing Criterion
      3.Decomposition of Semisimplv Lie Algebras
      4.Derivations of Scmisimple Lie Algebras
      5.Semisimple Elements and Nilpotent Elements
      6.Complete Reducibility Theorem
      7.Complex Simple Lie Algebras
      8.The Passage from Real to Complex
    CHAPTER III  Caftan Subalgebras
      1.Definition of Cartan Subalgebras
      2.Regular Elements: Rank
      3.The Cartan Subalgebra Associated with a Regular Element
      4.Conjugacy of Cartan Subalgebras
      5.The Semisimple Case
      6.Real Lie Algebras
    CHAPTER IV  The Algebra sl2 and Its Representations
      1.The Lie Algebra sl2
      2.Modules, Weights, Primitive Elements
      3.Structure of the Submodule Generated by a Primitive Element
      4.The Modules Wm
      5.Structure of the Finite-Dimensional 9-Modules
      6.Topological Properties of the Group SL2
    CHAPTER V  Root Systems
      2.Definition of Root Systems
      3.First Examples
      4.The Weyl Group
      5.lnvariant Quadratic Forms
      6.Inverse Systems
      7.Relative Position of Two Roots
      9.Some Properties of Bases
      10.Relations with the Weyl Group
      11.The Cartan Matrix
      12.The Coxeter Graph
      13.Irreducible Root Systems
      14.Classification of Connected Coxeter Graphs
      15.Dynkin Diagrams
      16.Construction of Irreducible Root Systems

      17.Complex Root Systems
    CHAPTER VI  Structure of Semisimple Lie Algebras
      1.Decomposition ofg
      2.Proof of Theorem 2
      3.Borei Subalgebras
      4.Weyl Bases
      5.Existence and Uniqueness Theorems
      6.Chevalley's Normalization
      Appendix.Construction of Semisimple Lie Algebras by Generators and Relations
    CHAPTER VII  Linear Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras
      2.Primitive Elements
      3, Irreducible Modules with a Highest Weight
      4.Finite-Dimensional Modules
      5.An Application to the Weyl Group
      6.Example: sln+l
      8.H.Weyl's formula
    CHAPTER VIII  Complex Groups and Compact Groups
      1.Cartan Subgroups
      3.Relations with Representations
      4.Borel Subgroups
      5.Construction of Irreducible Representations from Borei Subgroups
      6.Relations with Algebraic Groups
      7.Relations with Compact Groups



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