王战军著的这本《六说中国研究生教育质量(英文版)》反映了2015年度中国研究生教育质量概况,为研究生培养单位创新研究生培养模式,提高培养质量提供有益的参考,是公众了解我国研究生教育质量状况的重要来源。 -
Data on Graduate Education Quality
I. Six types of data on graduate education quality
II. Big data on graduate education quality
Events about Graduate Education Quality
I. Nine hot spots Events about graduate education quality in 2015
II. Hot institution Shanghai Jiao Tong University
III. Hot people--Academician Pan Jianwei from University of Science and Technology of China
Graduate Education Quality in Each Province
I. Race on talents training
II. Race on social contribution
Graduate Education Quality from Students' Perspective
I. What are the standards to assess graduate students' satisfaction
II. The results of the satisfaction survey
Graduate Education Quality from Others' Perspective
China's graduate education in the eyes of foreign medias
Graduate Education Quality from the Angle of the 12th Five.Year Plan
I. Events about the 12th Five-Year Plan
II. How will China reform the assurance system of graduate education quality
III. What effects does the 12th Five-Year Plan have to graduat education quality
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