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    • 孔子的智慧(迈向全球化领导之路)
      • 作者:石滋宜|译者:(澳)何敦博
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787513588744
      • 出版日期:2017/05/01
      • 页数:184
    • 售价:19.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Author's Preface
    Why Confucius Would Be Delighted with Dr.Shih's Book: Confucius' Wisdom
    PART 1 Character Building and Attitude — Make a Success of Your Life
      Chapter 1 Associate with Wise People
      Chapter 2 Be Genuine, Practice What You Preach
      Chapter 3 Whether What You Do Is Outstanding Depends on You
      Chapter 4 Nine Guidelines for Thought
      Chapter 5 Operating Manual for Life
      Chapter 6 Attitude Determines Everything
      Chapter 7 Three Common Mistakes in Communicating
      Chapter 8 What You Should and Should Not Do
      Chapter 9 The Art of Leadership
      Chapter 10 How Full Is Your Bucket?
    PART 2 Leadership and Training — Make Others and Yourself Successful
      Chapter 11 Be Trustworthy
      Chapter 12 What Makes a Successful Leader
      Chapter 13 Four Nos
      Chapter 14 The Courage to Admit You're Wrong
      Chapter 15 The Art of Recruiting and Making the Most of People
      Chapter 16 Seek to Be Good, but Even More Importantly Seek Ability
      Chapter 17 Ability to Think Independently
      Chapter 18 Know Yourself and Others
      Chapter 19 Handle Things According to Their Priority
      Chapter 20 Ask the Right Question to Get the Right Answer
      Chapter 21 A Perfect Superior—subordinate Relationship
      Chapter 22 Dialogue with Colleagues Creates Positive Energy
    PART 3 Operating and Managing a Business — Sustainability
      Chapter 23 Build a Corporate Culture That Benefits Others
      Chapter 24 Earning Customers' Trust
      Chapter 25 Respect Heaven, Love Mankind
      Chapter 26 Firmly Uphold Justice
      Chapter 27 Running a Business—The Ultimate Level
      Chapter 28 Customer First
      Chapter 29 Constant Improvement
      Chapter 30 Choose the Right People
      Chapter 31 Start fromRen
      Chapter 32 Find the Root of the Problem
      Chapter 33 Novel Thinking Is the Source of Everything
      Chapter 34 Versatility
      Chapter 35 The Key to Upgrading
      Chapter 36 The Ability to Learn Quickly
    Author's Introduction
    Translator's Introduction


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