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    • 交换代数教程(英文版)
      • 作者:(德)G.肯珀
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519211608
      • 出版日期:2016/05/01
      • 页数:264
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part I  The Algebra-Geometry Lexicon
      1  Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
        1.1  Maximal Ideals
        1.2  Jacobson Rings
        1.3  Coordinate Rings
      2  Noetherian and Artinian Rings
        2.1  The Noether and Artin Properties for Rings and Modules
        2.2 Noetherian Rings and Modules
      3  The Zariski Topology
        3.1  Affine Varieties
        3.2  Spectra
        3.3  Noetherian and Irreducible Spaces
      4  A Summary of the Lexicon
        4.1  True Geometry: Affine Varieties
        4.2  Abstract Geometry: Spectra
    Part II  Dimension
      5  Krull Dimension and Transcendence Degree
      6  Localization
      7  The Principal Ideal Theorem
        7.1  Nal~yama's Lemma and the Principal Ideal Theorem
        7.2  The Dimension of Fibers
      8  Integral Extensions
        8.1  Integral Closure
        8.2  Lying Over, Going Up, and Going Down
        8.3  Noether Normalization
    Part III  Computational Methods
      9  Grobner Bases
        9.1  Buchberger's Algorithm
        9.2  First Application: Elimination Ideals
      10  Fibers and Images of Morphisms Revisited
        10.1  The Generic Freeness Lemma
        10.2  Fiber Dimension and Constructible Sets
        10.3  Application: Invariant Theory
      11  Hilbert Series and Dimension
        11.1  The Hilbert-Serre Theorem
        11.2  Hilbert Polynomials and Dimension
    Part IV  Local Rings
      12  Dimension Theory

        12.1  The Length of a Module
        12.2  The Associated Graded Ring
      13  Regular Local Rings
        13.1  Basic Properties of Regular Local Rings
        13.2  The Jacobian Criterion
      14  Rings of Dimension One
        14.1  Regular Rings and Normal Rings
        14.2  Multiplicative Ideal Theory
        14.3  Dedekind Domains
    Solutions of Some Exercises



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