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    • 经典力学(质点系和哈密顿动力学第2版影印版)(英文版)
      • 作者:(德)W.格雷钠
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519255329
      • 出版日期:2019/03/01
      • 页数:579
    • 售价:71.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part I  Newtonian Mechanics in Moving Coordinate Systems
      1  Newton's Equations in a Rotating Coordinate System
        1.1  Introduction of the Operator D
        1.2  Formulation of Newton's Equation in the Rotating Coordinate System
        1.3  Newton's Equations in Systems with Arbitrary Relative Motion
      2  Free Fall on the Rotating Earth
        2.1  Perturbation Calculation
        2.2  Method of Successive Approximation
        2.3  Exact Solution
      3  Foucault's Pendulum
        3.1  Solution of the Differential Equations
        3.2  Discussion of the Solution
    Part II  Mechanics of Particle Systems
      4  Degrees of Freedom
        4.1  Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body
      5  Center of Gravity
      6  Mechanical Fundamental Quantities of Systems of Mass Points
        6.1  Linear Momentum of the Many-Body System
        6.2  Angular Momentum of the Many-Body System
        6.3  Energy Law of the Many-Body System
        6.4  Transformation to Center-of-Mass Coordinates
        6.5  Transformation of the Kinetic Energy
    Part III  Vibrating Systems
      7  Vibrations of Coupled Mass Points
        7.1  The Vibrating Chain
      8  The Vibrating String
        8.1  Solution of the Wave Equation
        8.2  Normal Vibrations
      9  Fourier Series
      10  The Vibrating Membrane
        10.1  Derivation of the Differential Equation
        10.2  Solution of the Differential Equation
        10.3  Inclusion of the Boundary Conditions
        10.4  Eigenfrequencies
        10.5  Degeneracy
        10.6  Nodal Lines
        10.7  General Solution
        10.8  Superposition of Node Line Figures
        10.9  The Circular Membrane
        10.10 Solution of Bessel's Differential Equation
    Part IV  Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
      11  Rotation About a Fixed Axis
        11.1  Moment of Inertia
        11.2  The Physical Pendulum
      12  Rotation About a Point
        12.1  Tensor of Inertia
        12.2  Kinetic Energy of a Rotating Rigid Body
        12.3  The Principal Axes of Inertia
        12.4  Existence and Orthogonality of the Principal Axes
        12.5  Transformation of the Tensor of Inertia

        12.6  Tensor of Inertia in the System of Principal Axes
        12.7  Ellipsoid of Inertia
      13  Theory of the Top
        13.1  The Free Top
        13.2  Geometrical Theory of the Top
        13.3  Analytical Theory of the Free Top
        13.4  The Heavy Symmetric Top: Elementary Considerations
        13.5  Further Applications of the Top
        13.6  The Euler Angles
        13.7  Motion of the Heavy Symmetric Top
    Part V  Lagrange Equations
      14  Generalized Coordinates
        14.1  Quantities of Mechanics in Generalized Coordinates
      15  D'Alembert Principle and Derivation of the Lagrange Equations
        15.1  Virtual Displacements
      16  Lagrange Equation for Nonholonomic Constraints
      17  Special Problems
        17.1  Velocity-Dependent Potentials
        17.2  Nonconservative Forces and Dissipation Function (Friction Function:
        17.3  Nonholonomic Systems and Lagrange Multipliers
    Part VI  Hamiltonian Theory
      18  Hamilton's Equations
        18.1  The Hamilton Principle
        18.2  General Discussion of Variational Principles
        18.3  Phase Space and Liouville's Theorem
        18.4  The Principle of Stochastic Cooling
      19  Canonical Transformations
      20  Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
        20.1  Visual Interpretation of the Action Function S
        20.2  Transition to Quantum Mechanics
      21  Extended Hamilton-Lagrange Formalism
        21.1  Extended Set of Euler-Lagrange Equations
        21.2  Extended Set of Canonical Equations
        21.3  Extended Canonical Transformations
      22  Extended Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
    Part VII  Nonlinear Dynamics
      23  Dynamical Systems
        23.1  Dissipative Systems: Contraction of the Phase-Space Volume . . .
        23.2  Attractors
        23.3  Equilibrium Solutions
        23.4  Limit Cycles
      24  Stability of Time-Dependent Paths
        24.1  Periodic Solutions
        24.2  Discretization and Poincar6 Cuts
      25  Bifurcations
        25.1  Static Bifurcations
        25.2  Bifurcations of Time-Dependent Solutions
      26  Lyapunov Exponents and Chaos
        26.1  One-Dimensional Systems
        26.2  Multidimensional Systems

        26.3  Stretching and Folding in Phase Space
        26.4  Fractal Geometry
      27  Systems with Chaotic Dynamics
        27.1  Dynamics of Discrete Systems
        27.2  One-Dimensional Mappings
    Part VIII  On the History of Mechanics
      28 Emergence of Occidental Physics in the Seventeenth Century Notes
        Recommendations for Further Reading on Theoretical Mechanics



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