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    • 旧制度与大革命(英文版)(精)/世界学术经典
      • 作者:(法)托克维尔|总主编:庄智象//林骧华|校注:杨元刚
      • 出版社:上海译文
      • ISBN:9787532781881
      • 出版日期:2019/08/01
      • 页数:330
    • 售价:43.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Book I
      1.1  Contradictory Judgments of the Revolution at Its Inception
      1.2  That the Fundamental and Final Purpose of the Revolution Was Not, as Some Have Thought, to Destroy Religious Authority and Weaken Political Authority
      1.3  How the French Revolution Was a Political Revolution That Proceeded in the Manner of Religious Revolutions,and Why
      1.4  How Almost All of Europe Had Exactly the Same Institutions, and How Those Institutions Were Crumbling Everywhere
      1.5  What Was the Essential Achievement of the French Revolution?
    Book II
      II.1  Why Feudal Prerogatives Had Become More Odious to the People in France Than Anywhere Else
      II.2  Why Administrative Centralization Is an Institution of the Ancien Regime and Not, As Some Say, the Work of the Revolution or Empire
      II.3  How What Today Is Called Administrative Tutelage Is an Institution of the Ancien Regime
      II.4  How Administrative Justice and the Immunity of Public Officials Were Institutions of the Ancien R6gime
      II.5  How Centralization Was Thus Able to Insinuate Itself among the Old Powers and Supplant Them Without Destroying Them
      II.6  On Administrative Mores under the Ancien Regime
      II.7  How France, of All the Countries of Europe, Was Already the One in Which the Capital Had Achieved the Greatest Preponderance over the Provinces and Most Fully Subsumed the Entire Country
      II.8  That France Was the Country Where People Had Become Most Alike
      II.9  How Men So Similar Were More Separate Than Ever,Divided into Small Groups Alien and Indifferent to One Another
      II.10  How the Destruction of Political Liberty and the Separation of Classes Caused Nearly All the Maladies That Proved Fatal to the Ancien Regime
      II.11  On the Kind of Liberty to Be Found under the Ancien Regime and Its Influence on the Revolution
      II.12  How, Despite the Progress of Civilization, the Condition of the French Peasant Was Sometimes Worse in the Eighteenth Century Than It Had Been in the Thirteenth
    Book III
      III.1  How, Toward the Middle of the Eighteenth Century,Men of Letters Became the Country's Leading Politicians, and the Effects That Followed from This
      III.2  How Irreligion Was Able to Become a General and Dominant Passion in Eighteenth-Century France, and How It Influenced the Character of the Revolution
      III.3  How the French Wanted Reforms Before They Wanted Liberties
      III.4  That the Reign of Louis XVI Was the Most Prosperous Era of the Old Monarchy, and How That Very Prosperity Hastened the Revolution
      III.5  How Attempts to Relieve the People Stirred Them to Revolt
      III.6  On Some Practices That Helped the Government Complete the People's Revolutionary Education
      III.7  How a Great Administrative Revolution Preceded the Political Revolution, and on the Consequences It Had
      III.8  How the Revolution Emerged Naturally from the Foregoing


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