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    • 新编语言学教程(高等学校英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:刘润清//文旭
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787560053981
      • 出版日期:2006/03/01
      • 页数:358
    • 售价:19.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Linguistics
        1.1.1  Definition of linguistics
        1.1.2  Linguistics versus traditional grammar
        1.1.3  Use of studying linguistics
        1.1.4  Scope of linguistics
      1.2  Language
        1.2.1  Definition of language
        1.2.2  Origin of language
        1.2.3  Design features of language
        1.2.4  Functions of language
      1.3  Some Major Concepts in Linguistics
        1.3.1  Descriptive and prescriptive grammars
        1.3.2  Synchronic and diachronic linguistics
        1.3.3  Langue and parole
        1.3.4  Competence and performance
        1.3.5  Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
        1.3.6  Functionalism and formalism
      Exercises and Discussion Questions
      Sources and Suggestions for Further Reading
      Supplementary Readings
    Chapter 2  The Sounds of Language
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Phonetics
        2.2.1  Articulators and their functions
        2.2.2  Voiced and voiceless sounds
        2.2.3  Nasal and oral sounds
        2.2.4  Classification of English speech sounds
  English consonants
  English vowels
        2.2.5  Variations of sounds
  Elision and assimilation
      2.3  Phonology
        2.3.1  Phonemes: the phonological units of language
        2.3.2  Minimal pairs and sets
        2.3.3  Free variation
        2.3.4  Distinctive features
        2.3.5  Syllables and consonant clusters
        2.3.6  Suprasegmental features
      Exercises and Discussion Questions
      Sources and Suggestions for Further Reading
      Supplementary Readings
    Chapter 3  Morphology
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  Morphemes
        3.2.1  Free morphemes
        3.2.2  Bound morphemes

      3.3  Morphs and Allomorphs
      3.4  Types of Word Formation
        3.4.1  Compounding
        3.4.2  Derivation
        3.4.3  Other ways of word formation
    Chapter 4  Syntax
    Chapter 5  Semantics
    Chapter 6  Pragmatics
    Chapter 7  Discourse Analysis
    Chapter 8  Sociolinguistics
    Chapter 9  Psycholinguistics
    Chapter 10  Cognitive Linguistics
    Chapter 11  Language Acquisition
    Chapter 12  Applied Linguistics



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