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    • 路径积分与哈密顿量--原理与方法(影印版)(英文版)/引进系列/中外物理学精品书系
      • 作者:(新加坡)贝拉勒·E.巴阿基
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301307861
      • 出版日期:2019/10/01
      • 页数:417
    • 售价:43.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1 Synopsis
    Part one  Fundamental principles
      2   The mathernatieal structure of quantum mechanics
        2.1  The Copenhagen quantum postulate
        2.2  The superstructure of quantum mechanics
        2.3  Degree of freedom space F
        2.4  State space V(F)
          2.4.1  Hilbert space
        2.5  Operators O(F)
        2.6  The process of measurement
        2.7  The Schrodinger differential equation
        2.8  Heisenberg operator approach
        2.9  Dirac-Feynman path integral formulation
        2.10  Three formulations of quantum mechanics
        2.11  Quantum entity
        2.12  Summary
      3   Operators
        3.1  Continuous degree of freedom
        3.2  Basis states for state space
        3.3  Hermitian operators
          3.3.1  Eigenfunctions; completeness
          3.3.2  Hamiltonian for a periodic degree of freedom
        3.4  Position and momentum operators h and/
          3.4.1  Momentum operator
        3.5  Weyl operators
        3.6  Quantum numbers; commuting operator
        3.7  Heisenberg commutation equation
        3.8  Unitary representation of Heisenberg algebra
        3.9  Density matrix: pure and mixed states
        3.10  Self-adjoint operators
          3.10.1  Momentum operator on finite interval
        3.11  Self-adjoint domain
          3.11.1  Real eigenvalues
        3.12  Hamiltonian's self-adjoint extension
          3.12.1  Delta function potential
        3.13  Fermi pseudo-potential
        3.14  Summary
      4  The Feynman path integral
        4.1  Probability amplitude and time evolution
        4.2  Evolution kernel
        4.3  Superposition: indeterminate paths
        4.4  The Dirac-Feynman formula
        4.5  The Lagrangian
          4.5.1  Infinite divisibility of quantum paths
        4.6  The Feynman path integral
        4.7  Path integral for evolution kernel
        4.8  Composition rule for probability amplitudes
        4.9  Summary

      5  Hamiltonian mechanics
        5.1  Canonical equations
        5.2  Symmetries and conservation laws
        5.3  Euclidean Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
        5.4  Phase space path integrals
        5.5  Poisson bracket
        5.6  Commutation equations
        5.7  Dirac bracket and constrained quantization
          5.7.1  Dirac bracket for two constraints
        5.8  Free particle evolution kernel
        5.9  Hamiltonian and path integral
        5.10  Coherent states
        5.11  Coherent state vector
        5.12  Completeness equation: over-complete
        5.13  Operators; normal ordering
      6 Path integral quantization
    Part two Stochastic processes
      7 Stochastic systems
    Part three Discrete degrees of freedom
      8 Ising model
      9 Ising model: magnetic field
      10 Fermions
    Part four Quadratic path integrals
      11 Simple harmonic oscillator
      12 Gaussian path integrals
    Part five Action with acceleration
      13 Acceleration Lagrangian
      14 Pseudo-Hermitian Euclidean Hamiltonian
      15 Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian: Jordan blocks
    Part six Nonlinear path integrals
      16 The quartic potential: instantons
      17 Compact degrees of freedom
      18 Conclusions



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