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    • 趣简中国史(英文版)/中国不简单
      • 作者:(美)李渡//孙祝旻
      • 出版社:上海译文
      • ISBN:9787532782291
      • 出版日期:2019/10/01
      • 页数:201
    • 售价:22
  • 内容大纲

        “中国不简单”(China Simplified)系列旨在用英语向世界介绍中国文化。在照本宣科的刻板形式之外另辟蹊径,以中西方双视角娓娓道来,将中国文化变得深入浅出、妙趣横生。History Flashback一反传统历史书籍大部头、重学术、教科书式的艰深感,让想要亲近中国历史的外国读者不仅不再畏难迟疑,而且在阅读中真正爱上中国。同时,书中大开脑洞的中西文化比对和映照,也让中国读者获得了回看中国历史的新视角。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Why China Simplified?
    Foreword by Anthony Jackson
    24 Milestones in Chinese History
    1.Dawn of the Middle Kingdom
    2.China Catches the Smart Virus
    3.You Can Take It With You
    4.Anyone Here Order a Caravan of Silk?
    5.Naked in the Woods
    6.Poets, Prophets,and Pulchritude
    7.Why Rule When You Can Be an Artiste?
    8.What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
    9.This Chapter for Mature Audiences Only
    10.Mind Your Ps and Queues
    11.Enter the Fashion Icons
    12.Dragon in the Spotlight
    Resources and References
    About the Authors


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