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    • 英译汉翻译研究功能途径/英汉功能语言学入门丛书
      • 作者:司显柱//庞玉厚|责编:解碧琰|总主编:黄国文//何伟
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521310863
      • 出版日期:2019/11/01
      • 页数:350
    • 售价:33.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    General order
    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.0  Translation and Translation Studies
      1.1  Major Approaches to Translation Studies
      1.2  Systemic-Functional Linguistic Approaches to Translation Studies
      1.3  Organization of This Book
    Chapter 2 SFL and Translation Studies
      2.0  Introduction
      2.1  Metafuctions and Translation
      2.2  Context and Translation
      2.3  Grammatical Metaphor and Translation
      2.4  Appraisal and Translation
      2.5  SFL and Translation Quality Assessment
      2.6  Conclusion
    Chapter 3  Metafunction of Language and E-C Translation
      3.0  Introduction
      3.1  Ideational Function
        3.1.1  Introduction
        3.1.2  Ideational Function and E-C Translation
        3.1.3  Summary of Ideational Function and E-C Translation
      3.2  Interpersonal Function
        3.2.1  Introduction
        3.2.2  Interpersonal Function and E-C Translation
        3.2.3  Summary of Interpersonal Function and E-C Translation
      3.3  Textual Metafunction and E-C Translation
        3.3.1  Theme and Rheme
        3.3.2  The Application of Theme Progression Mode in E-C Translation
        3.3.3  Information Structure
        3.3.4  Cohesion and Coherence
        3.3.5  Cohesion, Coherence and E-C Translation
        3.3.6  Textual Metafunction and Brief Summary of E-C Translation
      3.4  Conclusion
    Chapter 4 Context and Translation
      4.0  Introduction
      4.1  Direct Context and E-C Translation
      4.2  Register Theory and E-C Translation
        4.2.1  Introduction to Register Theory
        4.2.2  Register Theory and E-C Translation
        4.2.3  Register Deviations
        4.2.4  Summary
      4.3  Genre and E-C Translation
        4.3.1  Introduction to Genre
        4.3.2  Genre and E-C Translation
        4.3.3  Summary
      4.4  Ideology and E-C Translation
        4.4.1  Introduction to the Influences of Ideology upon Translation

        4.4.2  Ideology and Translation from the Perspective of SFL
        4.4.3  Ideology in Translation
      4.5  Summary
    Chapter 5 Grammatical Metaphor and E-C Translation
      5.0  Introduction
      5.1  Ideational Grammatical Metaphor
        5.1.1  Transitivity Metaphor
        5.1.2  Nominalization
      5.2  Ideational Grammatical Metaphor and English-Chinese Translation
      5.3  Interpersonal Metaphor
      5.4  Interpersonal Metaphor and E-C Translation
        5.4.1  Transfer of Different Moods
        5.4.2  Mood Markers
        5.4.3  Modality Metaphor
        5.4.4  Changes of Polarity and Modality Value
      5.5  Textual Metaphor
      5.6  Textual Metaphor and E-C Translation
      5.7  Summary
    Chapter 6 Appraisal and Translation
      6.0  Introduction
      6.1  Appraisal Theory and Translation Studies
      6.2  Attitude and Translation
      6.3  Engagement and Translation
      6.4  Graduation and Translation
      6.5  Conclusion
    Chapter 7 SFL and Translation Quality Assessment
      7.0  Introduction
      7.1  Definition of Translation Quality Assessment
      7.2  Models of Translation Quality Assessment
      7.3  An Integrated SFL-based Model of TQA
      7.4  Applying the SFL-based Model of TQA
        7.4.1  Register Analysis
        7.4.2  Deviation Analysis
        7.4.3  Overall Evaluation
      7.5  Conclusion



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