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    • 市场营销英语(新版剑桥实用专业英语)
      • 作者:编者:(英)凯特·法拉尔//玛丽安娜·林斯利|责编:徐向娟
      • 出版社:商务印书馆
      • ISBN:9787100183246
      • 出版日期:2020/06/01
      • 页数:144
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

      The marketing mix 1
      A The Ps
      B Marketing a new product
      The marketing mix 2
      A The four Cs,As and Os
      B AIDA
      SWOT analysis
      A SWOT analysis
      B SWOT and marketing strateg
      Marketing strategy and
      the marketing plan
      A Marketing strategy vs.marketing
      B Developing the marketing plan
      Marketing ethics
      A Social marketing
      B Corporate social responsibility(CSR)
      The market environment
      A The micro environment
      B The macro environment:STEP analysis
      Legal aspects of marketing 20
      A Legal definitions
      B Legal problems
      C The Consumer Protection Act
      Research 1
      A Types of research
      B Research methodology
      Research 2
      A Describing survey results
      B Understanding trends and changes
      New product
      development 1
      A Idea generation
      B Idea screening
      C Concept development and testing
      D Marketing strategy and business analysis
      New product
      development 2
      A Workflow
      B Product development and optimization
      C Test marketing
      D Commercialization
      A The brainstorming session
      B Brainstorming techniques
      C Suggesting and building on ideas

      Product and service types
      A Product types
      B Word combinations with ‘goods' and
      C Types of service
      Product life cycles
      A The Boston Consulting Group Matrix
      B Inside the Boston Box
      Selling products and
      A The seller
      B The purchaser
      C Selling a service
      Branding 1
      A What is a brand?
      B Branding
      C Word combinations with brand
      Branding 2
      A Brand platform
      B Brand management
      C Brand strategy
      D More word combinations with ‘brand'
      Brand values
      A Common brand values
      B Describing brand values
      Market segmentation
      A What is market segmentation?
      B How does market segmentation work?
      C Common market sesments
      Customer needs and
      A Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
      B Consumer Life Cycle(CLC)
      C Purchasing behaviour
      Loyalty programmes
      A Customer loyalty
      B Loyalty programmes
      C Talking about loyalty programmes
      Motivation marketing
      A What is motivation marketing.
      B Staff incentive schemes
      C Incentives:travel and events
      Customer Relationship
      A One-to-one marketing
      B CRM technology
      C Privacy

      The marketing budget
      A The marketing budget
      B Budgeting approaches
      C Return on investment (ROI)
      A Pricing strategies
      B Pricing considerations
      C The price test
      Professional English in Use Marketing
      Logistics and the
      distribution chain
      A Moving goods
      B Direct distribution
      C Indirect distribution
      A Merchandise and merchandising
      B Promotional merchandise
      C Sports merchandising
      D Film,book and music merchandising
      Trade shows
      A Why use trade shows?
      B Organizing an event
      A What is telemarketing?
      B Outbound telemarketing
      C Inbound telemarketing
      D Telemarketing scripts
      Online shopping and
      mail order
      A The online shopping experience
      B Mail order and the ordering process
      Personal selling
      A The sales force
      B Personal selling
      C The sales process
      D Marketing support
      Above,below and
      through the line
      A Above-the-line
      B Below-the-line
      C Through-the-line
      D Advertising techniques
      Media strategy
      A Media strategy
      B Media planning
      C Media buying
      TV and radio
      A Advertising on TV or radio

      B The audience
      C Dayparts
      Outdoor advertising
      A Out-of-home advertising formats
      B Effectiveness of OOH
      The press
      A Newspapers
      B Magazines
      C Choosing titles
      D Choosing a position
      Printed documents
      A Design
      B Preparing to print
      C The print job
      Branded content
      A History of branded content
      B Types of branded content
      C Efficiency
      The internet
      A Internet advertising
      B Search engines
      C Search engine marketing
      Buzz marketing
      A Word of mouth
      B Buzz marketing and stealth marketing
      C Electronic buzz
      D Generating a buzz
      Sales promotions and
      A Sales promotions
      B Point of purchase(POP) or point of sale
      Direct mail and email
      A The advantages of direct mail
      B Organizing a direct mail or email campalgn
      C Describing a mailshot
      Street marketing and
      A History of street marketing
      B Aims of street marketing
      C Successful street marketing tactics
      A Types of logo
      B Logo design
      C Typeface
      Materials and containers
      A Describing packaging
      Corporate communications 98

      A The goals of corporate communications
      B Corporate values and identity
      C Tools of corporate communications
      Public relations and
      A Public relations
      B Media relations
      C Lobbying
      D Inside lobbying
      E Outside lobbying
      Event and sports
      A Sponsorship
      B Types of sponsorship
      C Word combinations with ‘sponsor
      Crisis communication
      A What is crisis communication?
      B A crisis communication case study
      Corporate blogging
      A Blogging basics
      B Blogs as a marketing tool
    Answer key



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