This book systematically introduces readers to computational granular mechanics and its relative engineering applications. Part I describes the fundamentals, such as the generation of irregular particle shapes, contact models, macro micro theory, DEM-FEM coupling. and solid-fluid coupling of granular materials. It also discusses the theory behind various numerical methods developed in recent years. Further, it provides the GPU-based parallel algorithm to guide the programming of DEM and examines commercial and open-source codes and software for the analysis of granular materials. Part II focuses on engineering applications, including the latest advances in sea-ice engineering. railway ballast dynamics, and lunar landers. It also presents a rational method of parameter calibration and thorough analyses of DEM simulations, which illustrate the capabilities of DEM. The computational mechanics method for granular materials can be applied widely in various engineering fields. such as rock and. soil mechanics, ocean engineering and chemical process engineering. -
1 Introduction
1.1 Engineering Demands of Granular Mechanics
1.2 Basic Physical and Mechanical Properties of Granular Materials
1.2.1 Friction Law
1.2.2 Grain Silo Effect
1.2.3 Extrusion and Shear Expansion of Granular Materials
1.2.4 The Flow State of Granular Materials
1.3 Computational Analysis Softwares for Computational Granular Mechanics
Part I Fundamentals of Computational Granular Mechanics
2 Constructions of Irregular Shaped Particles in the DEM
2.1 Bonding and Clumping Models Based on Spherical Particles
2.1.1 Bonding Models Based on Spheres
2.1.2 Clumping Models Based on Spheres
2.2 Super-Quadric Particles
2.2.1 Super-Quadric Particles
2.2.2 Ellipsoidal Particles Based on Super-Quadric Equation
2.3 Polyhedral and Dilated Polyhedral Particles
2.3.1 Polyhedral Particles
2.3.2 Dilated Polyhedral Particles Based on Minkowski Sum
2.4 Advanced Constructions of Novel Irregular Shaped Particles
2.4.1 Random Star-Shaped Particles
2.4.2 B-Spline Function Models
2.4.3 Combined Geometric Element Method
2.4.4 Potential Particle Model
2.4.5 Poly-superellipsoid Model
2.5 Summary
3 Contact Force Models for Granular Materials
3.1 Visco-Elastic Contact Models of Spherical Particles
3.1.1 Linear Contact Model
3.1.2 Nonlinear Contact Model
3.2 Elastic-Plastic Contact Models of Spherical Particles
3.2.1 Normal Elastic-Plastic Contact Model
3.2.2 Tangential Elastic-Plastic Contact Model
3.3 Rolling Friction Models of Spherical Particles
3.3.1 Rolling Friction Law
3.3.2 Rolling Friction Model of Spherical Particles
3.4 Bonding-Breakage Models of Spherical Particles
3.5 Contact Models of Non-spherical Particles
3.5.1 Contact Model Between Super-Quadric Particles
3.5.2 Contact Model of Dilated Polyhedral Particles
3.6 Non-contact Physical Interactions Between Particles
3.6.1 Adhesion Force Between Spherical Particles
3.6.2 Liquid Bridge Force Between Wet Particles
3.6.3 Heat Conduction Between Particles
3.7 Summary
4 Macro-Meso Analysis of Stress and Strain Fields of Granular Materials
4.1.1 Variational Representation of Frictional Contact Problems
4.1.2 Macro-Meso Two Scale Boundary Value Problems
4.1.3 Macro-Meso Scale Solution Procedures Based on Mean Field Theory
4.2 Meso Analysis of Stress Field of Granular Materials
4.2.1 Average Stress Description of the Micro Topological Structure
4.2.2 Stress Characterization of Particle Aggregates
4.2.3 Description of Macro Stress Based on Virtual Work
4.2.4 The Average Stress of the RVE in a Cosserat Continuum
4.3 Meso Analysis of Strain Field of Granular Materials
4.3.1 Definition of Strain by Bagi
4.3.2 Definition of Strain by Kruyt-Rothenburg
4.3.3 Definition of Strain by Kuhn
4.3.4 Definition of Optimal Fitting Strain by Cundall
4.3.5 Definition of Optimal Fitting Strain by Liao et al
4.3.6 Definition of Optimal Fitting Strain by Cambou et al
4.3.7 Definition of Volumetric Strain by Li et al
4.4 Summary
5 Coupled DEM-FEM Analysis of Granular Materials
5.1 Combined DEM-FEM Method for the Transition from Continuum to Granular Materials
5.1.1 Contact Algorithm
5.1.2 Deformation of Element
5.1.3 Failure Model of Materials
5.2 Coupled DEM-FEM Model for the Continua-Discontinua Bridging Domain
5.2.1 Weak Form of Governing Equations for the Bridging Domain
5.2.2 Coupling Interface Force
5.2.3 Coupling Point Search
5.3 Coupled DEM-FEM Method for the Interaction Between Continua and Discontinua
5.3.1 Global Search Detection of Particle-Structure Contacts
5.3.2 Local Search Detection of Particle-Structure Contacts
5.3.3 Transfer of Contact Forces
5.4 Summary
6 Fluid-Solid Coupling Analysis of Granular Materials
7 High Performance Algorithm and Computing Analysis Software of DEM Based on GPU Parallel Algorithm
Part II Engineering Applications of Computational Granular Mechanics
8 DEM Analysis of Ice Loads on Offshore Structures and Ship Hull
9 DEM Analysis of Mechanical Behaviors of Railway Ballast
10 DEM Analysis of Vibration Reduction and Buffering Capacity of Granular Materials
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