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    • 现代几何学方法和应用(第1卷英文版)
      • 作者:B.A.Dubrovin//A.T.Fomenko//S.P.Novikov|责编:刘慧//高蓉
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787506201230
      • 出版日期:1999/11/01
      • 页数:464
    • 售价:43.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    CHAPTER 1 Geometry in Regions of a Space. Basic Concepts
      1. Co-ordinate systems
        1.1. Cartesian co-ordinates in a space
        1.2. Co-ordinate changes
      2. Euclidean space
        2.1. Curves in Euclidean space
        2.2. Quadratic forms and vectors
      3. Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces
        3.1. Riemannian metrics
        3.2. The Minkowski metric
      4. The simplest groups of transformations of Euclidean space
        4.1. Groups of transformations of a region
        4.2. Transformations of the plane
        4.3. The isometries of 3-dimensional Euclidean space
        4.4. Further examples of transformation groups
        4.5. Exercises
      5. The Serret-Frenet formulae
        5.1. Curvature of curves in the Euclidean plane
        5.2. Curves in Euclidean 3-space. Curvature and torsion
        5.3. Orthogonal transformations depending on a parameter
        5.4. Exercises
      6. Pseudo-Euclidean spaces
        6.1. The simplest concepts of the special theory of relativity
        6.2. Lorentz transformations
        6.3. Exercises
    CHAPTER 2 The Theory of Surfaces
      7. Geometry on a surface in space
        7.1. Co-ordinates on a surface
        7.2. Tangent planes
        7.3. The metric on a surface in Euclidean space
        7.4. Surface area
        7.5. Exercises
      8. The second fundamental form
        8.1. Curvature of curves on a surface in Euclidean space
        8.2. Invariants of a pair of quadratic forms
        8.3. Properties of the second fundamental form
        8.4. Exercises
      9. The metric on the sphere
      10. Space-like surfaces in pseudo-Euclidean space
        10.1. The pseudo-sphere
        10.2. Curvature of space-like curves in R3
      11. The language of complex numbers in geometry
        11.1. Complex and real co-ordinates
        11.2. The Hermitian scalar product
        11.3. Examples of complex transformation groups
      12. Analytic functions
        12.1. Complex notation for the element of length, and for the differential of a function
        12.2. Complex co-ordinate changes
        12.3. Surfaces in complex space
      13. The conformal form of the metric on a surface

        13.1. Isothermal co-ordinates. Gaussian curvature in terms of conformal co-ordinates
        13.2. Conformal form of the metrics on the sphere and the Lobachevskian plane
        13.3. Surfaces of constant curvature
        13.4. Exercises
      14. Transformation groups as surfaces in N-dimensional space
        14.1. Co-ordinates in a neighbourhood of the identity
        14.2. The exponential function with matrix argument
        14.3. The quaternions
        14.4. Exercises
      15. Conformal transformations of Euclidean and pseudo-Euclidean spaces of several dimensions
    CHAPTER 3 Tensors: The Algebraic Theory
      16. Examples of tensors
      17. The general definition of a tensor
        17.1. The transformation rule for the components of a tensor of arbitrary rank
    CHAPTER 4 The Differential Calculus of Tensors
    CHAPTER 5 The Elements of the Calculus of Variations
    CHAPTER 6 The Calculus of Variations in Several Dimensions. Fields and Their Geometric Invariants



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