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    • 计算流体力学技术在工程领域的应用(英文版)
      • 作者:张国庆//李冠霄|责编:梁铜华
      • 出版社:北京理工大学
      • ISBN:9787568290289
      • 出版日期:2020/09/01
      • 页数:204
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
    Part I
      Chapter 2  Application in Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Morphing Tandem UAV
      Chapter 3  Application in Aerodynamic Characteristics of Canard-forward Swept (FSW) Aircraft Configurations
      Chapter 4  Unsteady Aerodynamic Investigation of the Propeller-wing Interaction for a Rocket Launched Unmanned Air Vehicle
      Chapter 5  Investigation of the Three-dimensional Hinge Moment Characteristics Generated by the ONERA-M6 Wing with an Aileron
      Chapter 6  Application in the Tail Dihedral Effects on the Aerodynamic Characteristics for the Aircraft
      Chapter 7  Application in the Ventilated Flapping Wing
    Part II
      Chapter 8  Application in Artificial Enhancement for Lamb-Oseen Vortex Evolution and Decay in Ground Proximity
      Chapter 9  Application in Drag Reduction for Marine Vessels Using Air-filled Dimpled Surfaces
      Chapter 10  Application in Vortex-induced Vibrations of an Isolated Circular Cylinder Under the Wake Interference of an Oscillating Airfoil



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