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    • 史志康英语(附光盘3)
      • 作者:编者:史志康//李新亚|责编:陈霜琪
      • 出版社:上海教育
      • ISBN:9787572003103
      • 出版日期:2020/10/01
      • 页数:324
    • 售价:55.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 They set foot on England
    Unit 2 I felt on top of the world
    Unit 3 Our class took a field trip to
    Unit 4 I'm grateful to my mother
    Unit 5 Sweet and Low
    Unit 6 We felt like big birds booming around
    Unit 7 An email to Dora
    Unit 8 It's never safe to meddle with a monster
    Unit 9 Mille was the best child in the world
    Unit 10 East or west,home is best
    Unit 11 Atalanta was the fastest huntress in Greece
    Unit 12 Little poems on treasuring time
    Unit 13 Black clouds were hiding the sun
    Unit 14 Boats Sail on the Rivers
    Unit 15 The Mole was spring cleaning his little home
    Unit 16 Animal stamps
    Unit 17 The Sun's Travels
    Unit 18 Cantonese is a dialect of the Chinese language
    Unit 19 What a beautiful sight!
    Unit 20 The compass shows directions



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