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    • 老龄健康问题全球纵览(新医科英语十三五全国规划教材)/博学当代医学英语系列
      • 作者:编者:曾祥发//黎亮//戴玥赟//董妍妍|责编:贺琦|总主编:陈社胜
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309149548
      • 出版日期:2020/06/01
      • 页数:174
    • 售价:16.8
  • 内容大纲

        《老龄健康问题全球纵览》(Global Overview of Issues in Healthy Aging)是一部大学阶段英语教育转型与创新的新医科英语可视化案例教学教材。本书编者通过四步学习法——案例观察、要点概述、细节理解、意义探索,从提升英语交际技能、获取专业学科知识、发展创新思维能力和培育全球视野4个方面综合一体培养适应新时代社会发展的新医科人才。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Section I  Health Education F~ Promotion for the Elderly 老年健康教育与促进
      Lesson 1  The Notion of Aging Is Changing
      Lesson 2  Simple Lifestyle Changes May Offer. the Best Protection
      Lesson 3  Improper Eating Can Take Years off Your Life
      Lesson 4  Cutting Salt Consumption Saves Your Life
      Lesson 5  Go Nuts! Live Longer
      Lesson 6  Exercise Linked to Longevity
      Lesson 7  Sleep Deprivation and Stroke Risk
      Lesson 8  Are Calcium Supplements Necessary for Seniors?
      Lesson 9  Daily Vitamin Supplements No Good?
      Lesson 10  Disease Prevention by Changing 7 Things
    Section II  Interventions in the Common Elderly Health Issues 常见老年健康问题与干预
      Lesson 11  Alzheimer's New Guideline
      Lesson 12  Early Warning Signs for Alzheimer's
      Lesson 13  Diabetes and Alzheimer's
      Lesson 14  Diabetes Management
      Lesson 15  Elderly and Falling
      Lesson 16  Risks for Osteoporosis
      Lesson 17  Developments in Parkinson's Treatment
      Lesson 18  Experimental Gene Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
      Lesson 19  Hypertension Control
      Lesson 20  Depression on the Elderly Poses Serious Health Risks
    Section III  Health Maintenance and Care for the Elderly 老年健康医养与服务
      Lesson 21  Care for Elderly Parents
      Lesson 22  Bruges, Belgium the World's Most Dementia-friendly City
      Lesson 23  Social Media Helps Seniors Keep Healthy
      Lesson 24  Stay Active and Positive Beyond 90s
      Lesson 25  Dance Helps People with Parkinson's Disease
      Lesson 26  Using Music to Help Alzheimer's Patients
      Lesson 27  Improving Medical Care for Seniors
      Lesson 28  House Calls Come Back for the Elderly Population
      Lesson 29  Complementary Medicine for Overall Wellness
      Lesson 30  Hospice Care Is No Easy Matter
    Section IV  Science of Aging and Longevity 老龄健康科学研究
      Lesson 31  Healthy Aging Research
      Lesson 32  Living Longer and Healthier
      Lesson 33  Reversing Aging
      Lesson 34  Science of Longevity
      Lesson 35  Scientist Discovers Secret to Longer Life
      Lesson 36  Living Forever



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