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    • 李代数的表示--通过gln进行介绍(英文)/国外优秀数学著作原版系列
      • 作者:(澳)安东尼·亨德森|责编:杜莹雪//张佳
      • 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学
      • ISBN:9787560390994
      • 出版日期:2020/10/01
      • 页数:223
    • 售价:15.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Notationaf conventions
    1 Motivation:representations of Lie groups
    1.1 Homomorphisms of general linear groups
    1.2 Multilinear algebra
    1.3 Linearization of the problem
    1.4 Lie’s theorem
    2 Definition of a Lie algebra
    2.1 Definition and first examples
    2.2 Classification and isomorphisms
    2.3 Exercises
    3 Basic structure of a Lie algebra
    3.1 Lie subalgebras
    3.2 Ideals
    3.3 Quotients and simple Lie algebras
    3.4 Exercises
    4 Modules over a Lie algebra
    4.1 Definition of a module
    4.2 Isomorphism of modules
    4.3 Submodules and irreducible modules
    4.4 Complete reducibility
    4.5 Exercises
    5 The theory of sl2-modules
    5.1 Classification of irreducibles
    5.2 Complete reducibility
    5.3 Exercises
    6 General theory of modules
    6.1 Duals and tensor products
    6.2 Hom—spaces and bilinear forms
    6.3 Schur’s lemma and the Killing form
    6.4 Casimir operators
    6.5 Exercises
    7 Integral gln—modules
    7.1 Integral weights
    7.2 Highest—weight modules
    7.3 Irreducibility of highest—weight modules
    7.4 Tensor-product construction of irreducibles
    7.5 Complete reducibility
    7.6 Exercises
    8 Guide to further reading
    8.1 Classification of simple Lie algebras
    8.2 Representations of simple Lie algebras
    8.3 Characters and bases of representations
    Appendix SolutionS to the exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 2 exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 3 exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 4 exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 5 exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 6 exercises
    Solutions for Chapter 7 exercises




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